Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Queensland Interest-Free Solar/Battery Loans And Grants Update

QLD interest free solar loans and battery grants

Image: Stocksnap

Some Queenslanders waiting on the State Government’s interest-free loans initiative before going solar or installing/adding a battery system may need to reconsider their position. [Read more…]

Queensland Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Ends Soon

Queensland appliance rebate

Image: Queensland Government

Queenslanders have less than two weeks to purchase an energy efficient appliance eligible for a State Government rebate. 40,000 Queensland households have so far received a rebate, with another 10,000 applications currently being processed. [Read more…]

Yarranlea Solar Farm Construction Commences

Yarranlea Solar Farm

Construction activity started on the weekend at the site of what will be the 121- megawatt Yarranlea Solar Farm, west of Toowoomba in Queensland. [Read more…]

Battery Trial Success In South Australia’s Cape Jervis

A new mobile energy storage project led by University of Adelaide researchers is now supporting the electricity network serving Cape Jervis. [Read more…]

Solar Assisted Hybrid Electric Vessel To Soon Cruise Tasmania’s Gordon River

Spirit Of The Wild

Image: RDM Constructions

A 33-metre long vessel with electric motors and solar panels was officially given its formal name this week – and it’s not Solar McSunnyface. [Read more…]

Wind And Solar Power Vs. Coal Seam Gas In Narrabri Shire

Wind energy and solar power vs CSG

Image: seagul

Santos’s proposed Narrabri Gas Project seeks to construct hundreds of coal seam gas wells within the Narrabri Shire area – but what if there was a focus on wind and solar power in the shire instead? [Read more…]

Solar Power For Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm

Barramundi Farm - Solar Energy

Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm, the first NAIF loan recipient in the Northern Territory, will soon embark on a major expansion including solar energy to help power its operations. [Read more…]

Queensland Leading The Charge In Large-Scale Solar

Investment value in large-scale solar power projects in Queensland make up more than half of the national total says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]

Crackdown On Dodgy Electricity Bill Discounts

Energy retailers will soon be prohibited from offering pseudo-discounts and a new investigation will determine whether Australian energy consumers are being gouged by networks in relation to corporate tax liabilities. [Read more…]

Mercury NZ Takes Big Stake In Tilt Renewables

Mercury NZ and Tilt Renewables

Image: Seagul

New Zealand energy company Mercury NZ Limited has announced it will take up to a 26.8% stake in NZX and ASX-listed Tilt Renewables. [Read more…]

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