Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Poll Results : Australian Government Should Focus On Renewables

Lowy Institute Poll - Coal Vs. Renewables

The latest Lowy Institute Poll indicates an overwhelming majority of Australians still want more renewables rather than coal power in the nation’s energy mix. [Read more…]

SolarEdge Sues Huawei Over Claimed Inverter Technology Infringement

SolarEdge and Huawei

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. has announced it has filed a lawsuit for patent infringement against Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH and WATTKRAFT Solar GmbH, a distributor of Huawei’s products in Germany. [Read more…]

Nothing New For Renewables In NSW State Budget

New South Wales Budget 2018-19 - Energy

The cupboard was bare for solar power and renewable energy overall in NSW Budget 2018-19, but that isn’t likely to hold back the uptake of solar panels in the state. [Read more…]

Seraphim Solar Scores Panel Supply For Ukraine’s Largest Solar Farm

China’s Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System Co., Ltd. has announced it will be the sole module supplier for a 246MW solar project in Ukraine. The facility will be located near Dnepropetrovsk, the country’s fourth largest city. [Read more…]

Monash Forum To Ramp Up Fight For Coal Power

Monash Forum - Coal Power

Image: Pavlofox | Note: The hand may or may not belong to Craig Kelly.

Members of the Monash Forum are readying for a battle for hearts, minds and funds as the direction of Australia’s energy future is determined. [Read more…]

Zhejiang BLD Solar Panels De-Listed By CEC

BLD solar panels

The Clean Energy Council has announced that Zhejiang BLD solar panels have been removed from its Approved Products List. [Read more…]

City of London Corporation Commits To 100% Renewables

City of London - solar power

The City of London Corporation has announced it will source all of its electricity from renewables from October this year – and solar power will play a role. [Read more…]

Solar Batteries – Silver Bullets Or Expensive Toys? Video And Summary

Solar batteries discussion

A panel of Australian solar industry veterans yesterday discussed the current state of play with regard to home battery storage in Australia. [Read more…]

Solar Power: The Technology Of Australia’s Middle Class

A new report confirms what many already know – the most prevalent driving factor in Australia for adopting solar power appears to be reducing current electricity bills and acting as a hedge against further potential price rises. [Read more…]

SunPower AC Solar Panels To Use Enphase Microinverters

SunPower solar panels and Enphase microinverters

A deal between Enphase Energy and SunPower could turn out to be good news for Australian SunPower fans who’ve been itching to get their hands on the company’s AC solar panels. [Read more…]

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