Image: Cubbie Ag
It won’t do anything about its controversial water use, but a large-scale solar power station at Cubbie Station will significantly reduce the cotton operation’s electricity consumption. [Read more…]
Image: Cubbie Ag
It won’t do anything about its controversial water use, but a large-scale solar power station at Cubbie Station will significantly reduce the cotton operation’s electricity consumption. [Read more…]
Image: hpgruesen
In the battle for hearts and minds of Australians with regard to the nation’s energy future, renewables are still the victor according to the results of a recent Reachtel Poll. [Read more…]
Australians were still thinking big during July when considering a solar power system purchase, with 6kW systems and larger combined extending their lead on 5kW. [Read more…]
Both JA Solar and Trina Solar have recently announced significant solar panel supply deals outside their home turf, helping to take some of the sting out of recent policy changes in China. [Read more…]
Image: samfabersf
The Australian Federal Government has announced $7.5 million in funding for two new Research Hubs that will focus on different aspects of advancing Australia’s energy storage sector. [Read more…]
China’s GCL New Energy has announced solar panel purchase agreements with Wuxi Suntech and Hanwha Q Cells for a collective capacity of 200MW. [Read more…]
Enphase Energy, Inc. announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2018 yesterday that indicated microinverter shipments were well up on Q1. [Read more…]
Image: BEIS
Electricity generated from renewable sources in the UK reached a record high in 2017 according to the recently released Digest of UK Energy Statistics 2018. [Read more…]
Image: sarangib
The nature of community relationships can make or break large-scale renewable energy projects and Australia’s renewables sector is becoming increasingly aware of this. [Read more…]
Image: 3444753
Western Australia’s Energy Minister Ben Wyatt says he is examining support and incentives for solar power and battery storage in the state. [Read more…]
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