Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Solar Means Business In The USA (And Australia)

commercial solar power

Not the Australian Target, the other one

2017 was the third biggest year for on-site solar installations among the USA’s largest companies. The leading business last year was Target for the second year in a row, with 40MW of new capacity installed. [Read more…]

Compulsory Solar Power For New Homes In Wollondilly Shire?

Wollondilly Shire’s Deputy Mayor wants to see solar panels compulsory for all new residential housing developments in the region. [Read more…]

National Energy Guarantee (NEG) – Where’s It At?

National Energy Guarantee

While perhaps not as exciting as the latest solar panel or battery technology, the evolution of the National Energy Guarantee is something worth keeping tabs on. [Read more…]

Floating Solar May Appear On New South Wales Dam Reservoirs

Solar energy for NSW dams

Image: WaterNSW

Energy and Utilities Minister Don Harwin announced yesterday the State Government wants the private sector to invest in small and large scale renewable energy generation using the state’s dams and other water infrastructure – and this could include floating solar energy installations. [Read more…]

Do You Really Need To Buy Solar From A CEC Approved Solar Retailer?

Is the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer program the be-all and end-all for selecting an excellent solar installer in Australia? Nope. [Read more…]

SunPower Buying SolarWorld (Americas)

SunPower SolarWorld Americas acquisition

SunPower has announced it will be acquiring 100 percent of SolarWorld Americas. The purchase price was not disclosed and the deal is subject to regulatory approvals and other closing conditions. [Read more…]

March Australian Rooftop Solar Installations Break Record

Solar installations in Australia during March

Image: Stocksnap

March rooftop solar power system installs in Australia represented the highest monthly capacity total ever – 127 megawatts – enough to power the equivalent of 36,710 homes says Green Energy Markets. [Read more…]

Victorian Climate Change Innovation Grant Recipients Announced

The Victorian Government yesterday announced projects sharing in $4.3 million in Climate Change Innovation grants, among which were a few relating to solar energy. [Read more…]

A Fracking Mess – NT’s Hydraulic Fracturing Moratorium Lifted

Fracking gas wells

Image: Simon Fraser University via Flickr

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner yesterday announced his government will go ahead with permitting fracking of onshore unconventional shale gas reservoirs in the NT, ending a moratorium on the activity. [Read more…]

CEC Calls For Statewide Microgrid Rollout For Western Australia

Solar energy and microgrids in Western Australia

Image credit: Western Power

It’s time to get cracking on microgrids in fringe-of-grid locations across Western Australia says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]

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