Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Solar Victoria Still Snubbing Tesla Powerwall 3

Tesla Powerwall 3 and Victoria's Solar Homes Program

To be eligible for a Solar Victoria no-interest loan for home energy storage, batteries must be included on the agency’s approved products list. Tesla Powerwall 3 still isn’t. What gives? [Read more…]

WA Labor Pledges Big Home Battery Rebates

Western Australia solar battery rebate

Western Australia’s Cook Labor Government has announced very generous subsidies for home batteries should it be returned to office. [Read more…]

EV Street Charging Program In (The Other) Victoria

EV street charging

The City of Victoria in Canada is undertaking a trial allowing EV owners to run charging cables across footpaths; a practice that is forbidden in many places, including here in Australia. [Read more…]

Community Energy Upgrades Fund Recipients Announced

Community Energy Upgrade Fund grants - Round 1

58 local governments across Australia have shared in $50 million in federal grants for projects improving the energy efficiency of community buildings and infrastructure through solar, batteries and electrification. [Read more…]

Driver Charged Over Solar Panel Death

Driver killed by solar panel - charges laid

Whether on the roof of a caravan or towed in a trailer, a tragedy involving a solar panel serves as a grim reminder about ensuring PV modules are properly stowed or attached. [Read more…]

Australia’s Solar Freakin’ Roadway (Sort Of)

Sand from solar panel glass

Australian construction materials firm Boral is trialling sand used in concrete that’s derived from the glass of discarded solar panels for a major transport project in Melbourne. [Read more…]

Problems With Victoria’s Emergency Backstop For Solar Drag On

Victoria's emergency backstop mechanism

Rollout of Victoria’s emergency backstop mechanism (VEBM) for solar power systems has been anything but smooth, and four-and-a-half months on there are still significant issues needing resolution. [Read more…]

Victoria Planning To Abolish Minimum Solar Feed-In Tariffs

Victoria's minimum solar feed-in tariff

It’s been reported the Victorian Government will no longer set minimum solar feed in tariff (FiT) rates, bringing it into line with several other states. [Read more…]

Australian Apartment Energy Behaviour Study Under Way

Apartment Energy Behaviour Study - CSIRO

CSIRO is inviting selected households to join the largest investigation of apartment energy usage behaviour in Australia, but has had to overcome an unexpected recruitment challenge. [Read more…]

JinkoSolar Boasts Big Australian Panel Shipment Tally

JinkoSolar Australian solar panel shipments

China’s JinkoSolar states it achieved 1GW+ in distribution shipments to Australia of the company’s solar panels for 2024. That’s a lot of modules. [Read more…]

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