Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Victorian Solar Farm Applications In Limbo Approved

Solar farm development applications - Victoria

Three solar farm development applications for the Shepparton region have been given the nod by Victoria’s Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne. [Read more…]

Folding Solar Panel Arrays For Huge Australian PV Project

5B Maverick folding solar

Australia’s 5B confirmed yesterday its Maverick system has been selected as the preferred technology for Sun Cable’s 10GW solar farm. [Read more…]

City Of Bayswater (Council) Shooting For 100% Renewables By 2030

City of Bayswater - Renewable Energy

Western Australia’s City Of Bayswater has voted to support a draft Renewable Energy and Emission Reduction Position and Action Statement (PAAS). [Read more…]

NSW’s New England Region A Hotbed Of Solar Activity

Solar energy in New England

All going well, the New England region of New South Wales will have gigawatts of additional large-scale solar energy capacity in the not-too-distant future. [Read more…]

Roseworthy Solar Farm Construction Begins

Solar and energy storage project at Roseworthy

Roseworthy campus – University of Adelaide

Work commenced yesterday at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy campus on a solar farm with battery storage that will form part of a microgrid. [Read more…]

Avonlie Solar Farm Application Approved

Avonlie solar farm

The Avonlie Solar Farm project in New South Wales recently received development approval from the state’s Department of Planning & Environment. [Read more…]

Australia A Typhoid Mary Of Fossil Fuel Emissions

Australia - fossil fuel exports

One of the excuses for not taking real climate action in Australia is the argument that in the scheme of things, Australia is a bit player in emissions. A new report from The Australia Institute (TAI) shows that’s not the case. [Read more…]

Solar Powered Drone Manufacturer Establishes Presence In Brisbane

SB4 Phoenix solar powered drone

A Toulouse, France- based manufacturer of a solar- powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has set up shop in Queensland, looking to get the attention of Australian farmers. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 26 : Zen And The Art Of Solar

Discover what’s happening with the CEC and Facebook, Victorian solar rebate fiasco update, “blue hydrogen” peril, a beautiful off-grid solar power system and more. [Read more…]

Investing In Solar Only Vs. Solar + Batteries – Compare The Pair

Solar panels only or solar power + battery – how do the numbers really stack up? I clearly explain all the maths so you can see the big difference for yourself. [Read more…]

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