Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

VIC Solar For Apartments Grants: Readying For Round Two

Solar energy for apartments in Victoria

Thousands of apartment owner-occupiers and renters in Victoria are expected to benefit from a state and federal program providing generous grants to install solar panels on apartment buildings. [Read more…]

Victorian Energy Upgrades Doorknocking Ban Starts Tomorrow

VEU doorknocking ban

A ban on doorknocking under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program finally kicks in tomorrow, following on from a telemarketing ban implemented earlier this year. [Read more…]

NSW Battery Rebate: Wait Or Save With Current Deals?

NSW battery subsidy

While New South Wales’ battery rebate is still some way off, you may be able to pick up a bargain in the interim. But be careful. [Read more…]

Are Flexible Solar Exports Worth It? Trevor’s Testing

Solar flexible exports testing

Owners of solar power systems in many more locations across South Australia recently became eligible for flexible exports. SolarQuotes’ Trevor took the plunge – and here’s what happened. [Read more…]

AEMC Kicks Off Consumer-Focused Electricity Pricing Review

Electricity pricing review

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Chair Anna Collyer has announced more detail concerning a comprehensive review of electricity pricing, products, and services in Australia. [Read more…]

Home Batteries Deliver Enphase A Brighter Quarter, But …

Enphase Energy results - Q2 2024

While the second quarter of 2024 was kinder to microinverter, battery and EV charger manufacturer Enphase Energy, revenue was still a far cry from the same period last year. [Read more…]

Heat Pumps: Roadmap For Australia’s Hot Water Transformation

Hot water heat pumps in Australia

Air-sourced heat pump hot water systems (HPHWS) can save households a bundle of bucks, but the quality of systems and installation in Australia needs some work. [Read more…]

Nuclear + Solar In Australia = A Huge Waste Of Energy

Nuclear power in Australia

The operation of just one nuclear power station in Queensland would require cutting off renewable energy output equivalent to tens of thousands of home solar power systems every day says Queensland Conservation Council (QCC). [Read more…]

Australia’s Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap Unveiled

National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap

A meeting of federal and state energy ministers in Melbourne last week resulted in release of the National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap. So, what’s it about? [Read more…]

SolarEdge Shedding Staff – Again

SolarEdge staff layoffs

2024 keeps getting tougher for Israel-headquartered solar manufacturer SolarEdge, with hundreds more staff to be shown the door. [Read more…]

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