Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Some Solar Panels To Be Kicked Off CEC Approved List Soon

CEC solar panel delisting

A bunch of solar panels will soon disappear off the Clean Energy Council’s approved solar panels list – here’s what’s happening and what it means. [Read more…]

Tindo Solar Signs Up For Australian Lower-Emissions Aluminium

Tindo Solar and low-emissions aluminium

Australia’s only solar panel manufacturer has inked an agreement with the country’s largest aluminium extruder for the supply of module frame materials. [Read more…]

Solar Citizens Spruiks Queensland “Solar For All” Plan

QLD Solar for All plan

Solar Citizens is calling for bipartisan commitment to a plan the community-based organisation says focuses on providing access to rooftop PV and batteries for the many Queensland households currently locked out of direct solar savings. [Read more…]

Canadian Solar Exceeds Q2 2024 Panel Shipment Forecast

Canadian Solar shipments Q2 2024

Despite challenging market conditions, Canadian Solar bettered previous guidance on solar panel shipments in the second quarter of this year according to the firm’s latest financial report. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Tackles Modern Slavery

Modern slavery and forced labour in the solar industry

SolarQuotes recommends certain brands across a range of solar components. Criteria relating to quality, performance and company stability aside, how do we approach the thorny, complex issues of modern slavery and forced labour? [Read more…]

Proposed Changes Seek To Stop Smart Meter Shenanigans

Smart meters - Australian consumer protections

Australian households getting a smart meter installed will have better protection from electricity retailers behaving badly under proposed changes from the AEMC. [Read more…]

Tesla App’s “Charge On Solar” Hits Prime Time In Australia

Tesla Charge on Solar

After a trial run, the Tesla app’s Charge on Solar feature is now available to all Australian owners of a Powerwall and compatible Tesla electric vehicles – and it should work with any hard-wired home EV charger. [Read more…]

Westpac Launching Low-Interest Sustainable Home Upgrades Loans

Westpac energy efficiency loans

The first low-interest bank loans supported by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation’s (CEFC’s) Household Energy Upgrades Fund (HEUF) will be available from next week to eligible Westpac home loan customers. [Read more…]

Origin’s Loop Virtual Power Plant Reaches 329,000+ Devices

Origin Loop VPP

Origin Energy’s “Loop” VPP grew significantly in the last financial year according to the company’s 2024 Annual Report released last week. [Read more…]

South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant Scores Award


A VPP project installing Tesla Powerwall batteries at SA Housing Trust and community housing provider homes picked up an award early this month. [Read more…]

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