Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Australia’s VSUN Energy Progressing Residential Flow Battery

VSUN - vanadium redox flow battery

VSUN residential vanadium redox flow battery bits – some assembly required.

Australian Vanadium Limited (AVL) subsidiary VSUN Energy is continuing to chug along towards its goal of developing a residential flow battery system for the Australian market. This battery won’t just be big on capacity. [Read more…]

Solar Power System Fires And Blasted Rooftop Isolator Switches

Solar rooftop DC isolator switch fire

There have been several fire incidents in New South Wales in the last week or so involving solar power systems – and at least two are thought to have been caused by rooftop isolator switches. [Read more…]

Solar Panels Are A Great Deal, But They Aren’t “Almost Free”

Cost of solar in Australia

Over-promising and under-delivering isn’t a great way to win friends and influence people. For even crap solar to be “almost free”, it would need to be particularly crappy to the point of not being installed. [Read more…]

Australia’s National Electricity Market – A Time For Tough, United Decisions

Energy Security Board - Australia's National Electricity Market

Reports just released by the Energy Security Board indicate while progress has been made in the NEM on various fronts, system security and investor confidence leave a lot to be desired. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – January 2021

auSSII solar report - January 2021

Summer air-conditioning bills and the looming solar rebate reduction were likely on the minds of the many Australians wanting to go solar during December. [Read more…]

Tragedy Narrowly Avoided: Caravan Solar Panel Comes Adrift

Caravan solar panel close call

There are plenty of caravans on the roads these days and many have solar panels on their roofs – but not all of these panels are properly affixed. This can result in disaster. [Read more…]

EnergyAustralia Reduces Solar Feed-in Tariff Rates

Feed-in tariffs

When the calendar flipped over to January 1, feed in tariff rates for many EnergyAustralia customers were reduced. [Read more…]

QLD’s Mica Creek Power Station Shuts Down

Mica Creek Power Station

Image source: Stanwell Corporation

The 60 year-old Mica Creek Power Station near Mount Isa in north-west Queensland will generate its last electricity this morning. [Read more…]

NSW IPC Conditionally Approves Jindera Solar Farm

Jindera Solar Farm

New South Wales’ Independent Planning Commission last week conditionally approved a major proposed solar power + battery storage project for a site near Jindera in the state’s Riverina region. [Read more…]

2020 The Greenest Year For Britain’s Electricity System

Electricity in Britain - carbon intensity

The situation is rather dark in Britain at the moment, but among the bright spots is progress on decarbonising its electricity system. [Read more…]

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