Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Approved Solar Products In Australia: So Many Choices!

Approved solar products: Australia

How many solar products are currently approved for installation in Australia by the Clean Energy Council (CEC)? The answer may surprise you. Here’s how to navigate the dizzying array of options. [Read more…]

Australian Smart Meter Rollout: When Will It Be Complete?

Smart meters - Australia

Smart meters are transforming how Australians monitor and manage their electricity usage, especially for solar system owners. But how close are we to a full rollout, and what challenges remain? [Read more…]

EV And Home Battery Health-Checks Encouraging

EV and home battery health

Two recently released reports suggest lithium-ion EV and home batteries should stand the test of (warranty) time. [Read more…]

The Cost Of Victoria’s Emergency Backstop For Solar

Victoria's Emergency Backstop For Solar

In just over a week, Victoria’s Emergency Backstop Mechanism (VEBM) requirement for rooftop solar systems comes into effect. Here’s what’s happening, why and how much it might cost all electricity customers. [Read more…]

NETCC Proposed Changes: Have Your Say (Soon)

New Energy Tech Consumer Code - NETCC

Remember the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC)? It’s still around and there are changes in the wind. [Read more…]

Solis Achieves 100GW+ Of Inverter Shipments

Solis inverter

Chinese inverter manufacturer Solis is celebrating having reached a major milestone for global inverter shipments; a feat made even more impressive by the timeframe the bulk of capacity was achieved. [Read more…]

Smarter Charging: Amber For EVs Graduates To Beta

Amber for EV charging

Late last month, the beta version of Amber Electric’s “smart and simple” EV charging solution became available to all its customers who have a compatible electric vehicle. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Premium Feed-In Tariff: The End Is Nigh

Victoria's premium feed in tariff (PFiT)

Imagine receiving a 60c feed-in tariff! Some Victorian solar owners have been getting this rate for many years, but it will be ending soon. [Read more…]

Mandatory “Sun Tax” Not In Powercor’s Plans

Powercor 2026-31 Draft Regulatory Proposal

Victoria’s Powercor has released its 2026-31 Draft Regulatory Proposal for feedback – and mandatory two-way electricity pricing is not on the cards for solar owners. [Read more…]

Smarter Solar: Catch Power’s 6-Channel Catch Control Released

6 Channel Catch Control

In this age of lower feed-in tariffs, solar energy self-consumption is king. The new multi-phase 6 Channel Catch Control hardware and software aims to have you wearing the crown. [Read more…]

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