Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Australians Oppose New Coal, But Many Fall For Gas Spin

Climate poll - Australia

Recently released poll results indicate the majority of Australians are against new coal mines and the federal government providing subsidies for building new coal-fired power plants. [Read more…]

GoodWe Reaches 1GW Of Inverter Shipments To Australia

GoodWe solar inverter shipments - Australia

After 9 years in the Australian market, Chinese solar inverter manufacturer GoodWe is celebrating 1,000MW of capacity supplied to Australia. [Read more…]

A Dynamic Solar Exports Future Looks Bright

Advanced VPP Grid Integration trial report

A South Australian trial has demonstrated higher levels of energy exports from solar and battery systems can be achieved through dynamic (flexible) export limits rather than fixed. [Read more…]

How Good Is Coal? Callide Power Station Fire

Callide Power Station fire

Coal power in Australia copped yet another blow yesterday, with a fire/explosion occurring at Callide Power Station in Queensland. [Read more…]

The R In ARENA Is For Renewable

ARENA regulations change

Labor says it will attempt to thwart the Morrison Government’s action to divert the Australian Renewable Energy Agency from focusing on renewables. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Seeking Door-To-Door Solar Sales Ban

Door to door solar sales ban

Door-to-door solar sales will be banned under Victoria’s Solar Homes Program as part of new legislation introduced to the state’s Parliament today. [Read more…]

Roseworthy Solar and Energy Storage Project Fully Operational

Roseworthy Solar And Storage project

The University of Adelaide officially opened a $7 million solar and energy storage project at its Roseworthy campus last week. [Read more…]

Singleton Council’s Solar Power Cash Splash

Solar energy in Singleton

New South Wales’ Singleton Council is spending close to a million dollars on a solar power and LED lighting rollout this year. [Read more…]

Pigeon-Proofing Solar Panels

Stopping pigeons getting under solar panels

Pigeons are a pesky creature when it comes to solar panels, not just because of their pooping on top, but what can go on underneath. [Read more…]

AEMC Responds To “Solar Tax” Confusion And Misinformation

AEMC sun tax

The Australian Energy Market Commission has copped some undeserved flak over its proposals to help ensure many Australians can benefit more from installing solar panels well into the future. [Read more…]

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