Posts By Kim Wainwright On SolarQuotes

What’s Better? Heat Pump Or Conventional Hot Water + Solar?

Heat pump vs electric element storage HWS

Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Heat Pumps vs. Solar and Resistive HWS [Read more…]

Solar Analytics Integrated Review: Better Than Sungrow Monitoring?

Solar Analytics vs Sungrow iSolarCloud Apps

If you have decided to invest in a hardware consumption monitor to measure your solar energy flows, there are three prominent options on the market: [Read more…]

How To Choose The Right EV Charging Cable

EV charging cables

One item often overlooked when buying an EV charger is the charging cable itself. [Read more…]

Some Solutions To Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

piles of old solar panels

Are you scratching your head over what to do with old solar panels?  After dissecting solar panel recycling’s tricky challenges yesterday, today I’m plunging headfirst into solutions. [Read more…]

The Problem With Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

Cleaning up the solar panel recycling mess

Australia’s solar panel recycling problem is huge. With no clear rules from government bodies, we’re left with a big mess and many questions. This two-part series will dig into this issue to clarify the confusion and find some answers. [Read more…]

May 2023 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index

AuSSII Report May 2023

What are the latest solar and battery customer trends? The auSSII report puts its magnifying glass over the month of April to see what mattered most to Australians in the market for renewable energy products. [Read more…]

Tesla Powerwall Warranty Claim Turns To Nightmare

As a solar and/or home battery owner in Australia, it is generally assumed that the first point of contact in a warranty claim would be the installer. After all, they sold you the product, so shouldn’t they also come to the rescue when it stops working? [Read more…]

Update On The LG Battery Recall: Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

lg battery recall continues

Keen SolarQuotes readers will no doubt recall the ongoing saga which began when LG Energy Solution Australia issued a recall notice for various LG Chem RESU models and battery packs back in February 2021. Since then, the recall has spread to other manufacturers containing the affected LG batteries. [Read more…]

April 2023 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index

AuSSII Report April 2023

Better late than never, the auSSII Report for all things customers wanted in solar and batteries for the month of March is finally here. Does size matter? When are they buying?.. and more. [Read more…]

Are EVs Worth It In Australia? Let The Numbers Decide, With Our Free, Nerdy Excel Tool

Total Cost of Ownership: EV vs ICE

Unsure if EVs are the right fit for you? We’ve got you covered. This article presents an advanced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and emissions calculator to compare EVs and internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, available via a link at the end. And yes, we’re talking about emissions too! After all, that’s what kick-started the EV revolution. But for those focused on the bottom line, fear not – this calculator mostly focuses on dollars. [Read more…]

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