Posts By Anthony Bennett On SolarQuotes

Battery Ready in 2024: The Good The Bad & The Obsolete

tesa powerwall, gateway and 2 sungrow inverters

It’s been eight years since SolarQuotes first talked about what to look for in “battery-ready” solar power systems. A lot has changed since then, and many of you have been asking for an update. [Read more…]

Corrosion Alert: Why Solar Panels On Galvanised Roofs Are Bad News

galvanic corrosion of a roof caused by solar

Galvanised roofs with aluminium-framed solar panels attached will rust. Read on, and I’ll explain why this happens, what to do if you already have a galvanised roof, and how to buy a shiny metal roof that won’t rust when you add solar panels.
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How To End The CEC’s Monopoly On Solar Approvals

For many years, the Clean Energy Council (CEC) has been the gatekeeper approving which solar products can connect to the grid in Australia. As an installer, I assure you many of my boots-on-the-roof colleagues are keen to remove that responsibility from the CEC. Strap in while I explain why.
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Solar Ecosystems; What’s Available Today?

Tesla, Enphase, Sungrow & SolarEdge Apps. Some apps are better than others – so try before you buy.

While new solar, battery and EV charging products are always arriving, some have become running jokes in the solar industry because promises of ‘here by Xmas’ often lead to questions about ‘which Xmas?’ If you’re tired of waiting for a unicorn to arrive in Q5, then read on as we outline what’s already available to Australian installers to generate, store and manage energy, plus charge an EV or two. [Read more…]

Inverter, Battery, EV Charger: Why Sticking To One Brand Makes Sense

solaredge ecosystem

SolarEdge have one of the most complete solar ecosystems available in Australia.

As more homes become all-electric, you must consider how your solar, battery, and EV charger will work together.

This is especially true for EV chargers, one of the most power-hungry appliances. [Read more…]

How To Overcome The Challenges Of Strata EV Charging

iMiev EV charging in a public garage

Are you considering getting an EV but are overwhelmed by the challenges of strata charging? Fear not! Here’s how to overcome each challenge…
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The Secret To Breaking Australia’s 6.6kW Solar Barrier: Add A Battery

rule 4.2 of SAA solar install guidelines

Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) has just dropped version 1.3 of their solar installation guidelines, and the good news is that they’ve tweaked the rules in Section 4, making it easier to oversize your solar setup without having to tell porky pies. [Read more…]

Need More Solar? How To Upgrade Modern Systems (Under ~12 Years Old)

solar inverters

If you’ve had solar power for a few years and found your bills are getting uncomfortably high, you could probably use more solar yield. However, as we’ll explain, it’s not as simple as plonking more panels on the roof. [Read more…]

Cold Months, High Bills? The Case for Expanding Your Solar

three GE solar inverters
So you’ve just enjoyed your first solar summer with a basic 6.6kW system, but you’re finding the bills in winter still give you the chills, don’t worry; you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for new solar installations to undergo expansion after the first winter. Read on as I explain how.

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Want An All-Electric Solar Home? Get A Bigger Switchboard.

New enlarged main switchboard

An excellent 50-pole switchboard upgrade. An absolute credit to Deionno Electrical & Solar

Despite modern electrical standards calling for spare space in switchboards, even brand-new places can struggle with switchboard space when adding solar, battery or EV charging equipment. [Read more…]

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