Posts By Anthony Bennett On SolarQuotes

NSW Battery Rebate: How To Triumph Despite The Confusion

So you’ve heard about NSW offering an incentive between $1600 and $2400 to install a home battery. It’s great news but if you’re confused about exactly how this battery rebate works, don’t worry, so is the solar industry. Installer angst is palpable; but read on and I’ll explain there’s opportunities to make this work for everyone.

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Modular Home Batteries Explained: All The Benefits & Key Considerations

Australian electrician installing a modular home battery

The Tesla Powerwall is renowned for being a shiny white slab of energy storage, but what if you’re willing to sacrifice some style for modularity? Are modular home batteries a better choice? [Read more…]

Innovations and Insights: Adelaide’s Annual SEIA Solar Showcase

Marina scene

SEIA Adelaide venue.

It’s a tough job, but someone has to show up at the yacht club—strictly for work, of course. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) roadshow has just swung through Adelaide, and once again, I, your dedicated SolarQuotes installer and blogger, was there. Not for the cold beers and sea breeze, mind you, but to get the scoop on what’s new, from the who’s who in solar. Read on as I explain how this is both a fun day out and critical to maintaining industry excellence.
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HOEM Device Converts V2L Cars To V2H – For Under $1,000

Many Australians are having an epiphany: electric vehicles are big batteries on wheels that could, in theory, be used to power our homes using a V2H (Vehicle to Home) system. [Read more…]

Good Flashings For Solar; Holes In Your Roof Made Waterproof

solar array on roof with wiring

Image credit: Solar Depot

There are many ways to make a weatherproof cable entry to your iron roof, but as far as I’m concerned, all of them except one are wrong. In this post, I’ll explain what 20 years of roofing experience has taught me about making the perfect wiring penetration. [Read more…]

Why Faster Home EV Charging Gives Better Returns

EV charging on 3 phase

Charging at 16A on 3-phase = 11 kW charging rate.

Solar power systems have been saving us money for years, but what about saving some for later? With large solar arrays on houses becoming the norm, finding places to store all the goodness is becoming more important. Faster EV charging is an excellent place to start. [Read more…]

Failed Flashings: When Solar Roof Penetrations Go Wrong

roof flashings

Think about the tin roof over your head. Its primary function is to keep the rain out. Now picture putting holes in that tin sheet for a fat bundle of cables. It’s risky if not handled properly. [Read more…]

How To Reinforce Skinny Rural SWER Connections With Solar Batteries

So you’ve made the tree change, shifted to the dream country block or taken over the farm now Dad has retired. While the peace and quiet is great, the fringe of grid power can prove problematic.
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Do You Really Need A 3-Phase Battery To Backup Your 3-Phase Home?

Potatoes as batteries

If only home batteries were this simple

Today’s post explains that no matter how hard you pedal, if you take two wheels off your tricycle, it won’t go anywhere.

In other words, a single-phase battery won’t power a three-phase appliance. [Read more…]

Queensland Finally Allows Faster EV Charging With Solar

Ergon and Energex have rewritten their rules on EV charging in Queensland, so properties running on a single-phase supply can now charge ahead at a full 7kW capacity.
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