This is serious. Really serious. Good businesses will go bust, families will lose homes unless drastic action is taken. Now. Right now. [Read more…]
SolarQuotes To Help Pollinate Install More Off-Grid Solar In India & Nepal
Starting today, SolarQuotes will be helping Indian and Nepalese families install off-grid solar systems. Specifically 3.3 watt, 17 watt-hour off-grid solar systems. [Read more…]
Good People Making Bad Decisions: A ‘Community Solar’ Case Study
The Alternative Technology Association (ATA to its friends) is a wonderful organisation. They started as the Alternative Technology Cooperative in 1980 and ever since they have been urging Australians to think differently and more sustainably about how they use and generate energy. [Read more…]
ABC 7:30 Report On Shonky Solar: Fair Comment Or Beat-up?
Who saw the 7:30 report last night? Its lead story was questioning the safety and quality of the Australian solar power industry. Leigh Sales promised to reveal “the dark side of Australia’s solar obsession”. [Read more…]
Want A Battery? Then Don’t Claim The $2,250 Victorian Solar Rebate
Update 17 May 2019: Solar Victoria have provided us with two clarifications
- The VIC battery rebate is capped at 1,000 per year for 10 years. So there is a chance you won’t get it even if eligible. Bear that in mind if you decide not to claim the VIC panel rebate.
- You can pay a deposit before you apply for your rebate – but it is recommended that your installer confirms, in writing, that it will be refunded if you don’t get the rebate.
At the moment the Victorian solar industry is at a standstill. Phones that were ringing off the hook two weeks ago have fallen silent. [Read more…]
How To End Dodgy Solar For Good? 100% Inspections By State Electrical Bodies
This is a guest post by John Inglis, owner of Positronic Solar. John is a veteran of the solar industry. Rumour has it that his involvement predates the invention of the sun dial. Take it away John… [Read more…]
Why Solar Analytics Is Better Than The Fronius Smart Meter
UPDATE: Solar Analytics now integrates with the Fronius Smart Meter. That means you don’t have to decide between Solar Analytics and Fronius Smart Meter anymore. You can buy a Fronius inverter with Fronius Smart Meter and then Solar Analytics can talk directly with the Fronius Smart Meter. No need to buy the Solar Analytics Hardware.
I love Fronius. The last solar power system I bought came with a Fronius Primo inverter. 1
I also love Solar Analytics. It is the best monitoring system I’ve ever used. I love the way it proactively tells you if there is a problem with your PV system. I love the number showing you how well your solar installation is performing from 0-100%. [Read more…]
BrownPower: Finally Some Innovative Thinking From The Coal Industry
During the recent kerfuffle about the Approved Solar Retailer scheme, I had an epiphany.
It dawned on me that the ‘new energy’ media landscape in Australia has become a victim of the ‘filter bubble’ culture – and is, in 2019, horribly lopsided. To be specific, scrolling through the news feeds there is very little coverage of what the other side of the energy industry are up to. Rather narcissistically the ‘Clean Energy’ industry only ever publish news about low emissions technology, blatantly ignoring any innovation from ‘the other side’. [Read more…]
Fact Checking An SA Government Press Release Spruiking Their Battery Subsidy
Last Sunday the South Australian State Government issued a press release spruiking its Home Battery Scheme.
It is clearly aimed at getting more South Australians to fork over thousands of dollars for a home battery, no doubt triggered by the fact that – at the current run rate – it will take 15 years for them to flog all 40,000 subsidies, despite throwing about $100,000 per month at advertising the Home Battery Scheme.
This will be a very simple blog post. I will simply rate each paragraph of the press release on my humble opinion of its truthfulness. [Read more…]
SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 9: The Approved Solar Retailer Edition
Round 9 of the SolarQuotes Vodcast, where Ronald and I address the worrying development of the CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme (ASR) becoming effectively mandatory in Victoria, plus other recent solar news. [Read more…]
Currently Raging Debates: