This weekend (11/12 March), a big EV show is happening at the ICC in Darling Harbour, Sydney. It’s called Fully Charged Live and is run by the Fully Charged YouTube channel, which is about to hit a million subscribers and does a great job of getting people excited about electric cars and clean energy. [Read more…]
The Best Home Batteries In Australia In 2023: According To Installers
Every year we ask installers in the SolarQuotes network which batteries they would trust in their own family homes. [Read more…]
The Best Solar Inverters In 2023: According to Aussie Installers
The solar inverter is the hardest working component in your solar energy system. In a well-installed system, it is the component most likely to fail first – well, it is now we’ve got rid of roof-top DC isolators.
But what inverter brands are best? [Read more…]
The Best Solar Panels In 2023: According To Aussie Installers
For three years now, we’ve asked our network of 500+ solar installers what brands of solar panels they’d choose to install on their own homes. [Read more…]
Electricity Tariff Comparison: A Simple Tool For A Complex World
Choosing the most suitable electricity tariff after installing solar panels or batteries can make a huge difference to your future power bills.
Unfortunately, electricity tariffs are getting more complex. [Read more…]
The Best Home Batteries In 2022 – According To The Pros
If you’re looking to buy a solar battery in 2022, you’ll find at least 32 brands available in Australia. But which is best? [Read more…]
The Best Solar Inverters In 2022 – According To The Pros
Every year, more solar inverter brands arrive on the Australian market. But which one should you choose for your solar power system?
I think the best people to answer this question are the people that have to install, commission, maintain and support those inverters every day: the solar installers. [Read more…]
These Are The Best Solar Panels To Buy In 2022 – According To The Pros
What are the best solar panels to put on an Australian roof in 2022?
I think the best people to answer that question are professional, Australian installers. [Read more…]
Solar Panels On A Flat Roof? Consider East-West Tilts
To maximise the solar energy generated over a year, the perfect roof to install solar panels on in Australia is large, north-facing and inclined at an angle close to the location’s latitude.
Panels mounted parallel to this perfect roof will be optimised for annual energy yield, and in most parts of Australia, should seldom need cleaning. Thanks to their angle, rain will slide off, cleaning as it goes.
Flat roofs are not ideal for solar. [Read more…]
Why Landscape Solar Panels Can Be Better (But More Expensive)
Have you ever noticed that most solar panels installed on Australian roofs are mounted in portrait orientation?
Portrait is more popular because solar panels are cheaper and quicker to install this way.
This post will explain why panel orientation can matter, and why you may be better off with landscape panels despite the extra effort required to install them. [Read more…]
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