Not All Australian Solar Quotes Are Created Equal

Australian solar quotes

Just as there are fantastic, good, average and terrible solar power system installers, the same can be said for Australian solar quotes service providers.

One of the great things about this website, SolarQuotes, is the name. Those arriving on SQ have a pretty clear idea from the outset about one of our core functions.

However, the name also creates a few headaches as it is sometimes confused with other quoting services in Australia.

A Case (And Cases) Of Mistaken Identity

SQ founder and head honcho Finn Peacock was recently contacted by Consumer Affairs Victoria concerning a number of people who had been stung by a dodgy solar provider – hundreds of thousands of dollars had been lost. Some of these unfortunate victims were issued quotes after submitting their details via a third-party service.

Given the level of pre-vetting and monitoring our installer partners are subjected to, the enquiry puzzled Finn until the solar power installation company involved was named – SolarOrb. It was a firm that has never been a part of SQ’s network and one Finn wouldn’t touch with a 3.048 metre pole – or even a ten foot one.

With that cleared up, Consumer Affairs Victoria continued on their way to investigate further elsewhere.

It’s certainly not the first time SQ has been confused with other Australian solar quotes services, and likely won’t be the last.

Quality Brings Quantity – Not Vice-Versa

Some Australian solar quote providers are driven primarily by quantity, others by quality. Finn opts for the latter approach, which we’ve found generates quantity through positive reviews and word of mouth.

Since 2009, more than 339,000 Australians have received solar quotes through SQ and Finn is fiercely protective of the trust customers put in us.

Solar Installers Put Through The Wringer

For installers to receive leads from us to quote on isn’t just a case of companies signing up and we start sending enquiries their way. SolarQuotes makes it really clear our services are for companies that care about quality. We drive that point home in order to discourage the cowboys from applying and use an extensive pre-vetting process to further screen applications, which includes:

  • Background checks on company name, trading name and management
  • Check for any history of black marks from the Clean Energy Regulator
  • Cross-referencing with an industry “blacklist”
  • ABN, ACN and GST registration check
  • Checks on product offerings for misleading claims or poor quality components
  • Full credit check
  • Researching feedback on the company

The results of these investigations are weighed up before a decision is made. More on the pre-vetting process can be viewed here.

Matchmaking Buyers And Installers

Australians using our free service receive up to three solar quotes from installers in our network.

We work very hard in trying to ensure a good match between potential buyers and installers through the questions asked on the quoting form along with additional comments provided, plus the profiles we maintain on installers.

Nobody wins if a customer’s requirements can’t be met by a company – it just becomes a waste of time for all.

Our matching system isn’t always perfect – while we strive for it to be, something Australians can be assured of is SolarQuotes simply doesn’t associate with shonky companies.

Ongoing Monitoring And Follow Up

After a solar company has been accepted into the SQ network, ongoing monitoring occurs. Among these activities, SQ follows up with Australians who receive solar quotes to invite feedback. This also helps us to fine-tune our processes.

We also invite those who have systems installed to submit a solar installer review – positive or otherwise. These reviews are made public and we rank installers based on the reviews.

Customer Wins, Installer Wins, We Win

Our processes aren’t just good for solar buyers, but our installer partners too. The companies SQ works with want enquiries suited to their businesses and given the calibre of these firms, they don’t want to be competing with others in a race to the bottom on pricing.

The problem with a race to the bottom is that you might win – and wafer-thin margins are fertile ground for cutting corners on installation and/or component quality.

We’ve found most Australians submitting for quotes want pricing on a solar power system that is a good mix of quality and affordability, rather than a bargain basement installation. After all, it’s an investment they’ll be living with for many years and one that should provide a good return.

As for SolarQuotes, the bottom line is we don’t win unless our customers and installer partners win as well.

Look Before You Leap Into Australian Solar Quotes

Other services may come and go, but SolarQuotes is in for the long haul, just as we have been since 2009.

If you’re a potential PV buyer considering using an Australian solar quotes service, it’s important to check out the provider before submitting your personal details.

A bit of due diligence can save you valuable time in sorting out the wheat from the chaff (or perhaps just ending up with chaff), and potentially being ripped off.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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Please keep the SolarQuotes blog constructive and useful with these 5 rules:

1. Real names are preferred - you should be happy to put your name to your comments.
2. Put down your weapons.
3. Assume positive intention.
4. If you are in the solar industry - try to get to the truth, not the sale.
5. Please stay on topic.

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