Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – December 2018

auSSII report covering November 2018

While millions of solar power systems are now installed across Australia, there wasn’t any shortage of new interest in the electricity bill busting technology in November.

Solar Power System Size Preference

Popularity of 6kW solar systems and larger continued to build in November, comprising 57% of quote requests where a preferred system capacity was noted – up on 54% in October and 53% in September. 5kW systems made up just over 29% of requests, and 3-4kW systems just 13% combined.

System size preference November 2018

Solar Purchase Intent

There was a substantial uptick in the proportion of Australians wishing to install solar panels right away, with 24% wanting to buy a system immediately – up significantly on October’s 19%. Some of this heightened sense of urgency may have had to do with solar subsidy scare tactics used by some retailers in relation to the national scheme and fear of missing out on Victoria’s Home Solar Package. Overall, 86% of Australians using our service wanted a system installed within 3 months.

Solar purchase intent November 2018

Price And Quality Preferences

A touch over 80% were interested in a system that was “a good mix of quality and price”.  As in October and September, 12%  indicated  a preference for a “top quality (most expensive)” system. Those wanting a “good budget system” represented approximately 7%, same as October.

PV system price and quality - November 2018

Battery Ready Requirements

Not much has changed here (again) – battery-ready system interest in November was 30%, a figure that has seen little movement in the last 6 months. Just about all solar power systems  are “battery-ready” to some degree, but this question is presented in our quotes request process to help inform  system design.

Battery Ready Solar Interest - November 2018

Concurrent Solar + Storage Installation

The proportion of Australians wanting to have battery storage installed from the get-go along with their PV system was around 9% (9% in October, 8% in September and 7% in August).

Concurrent solar + battery storage installation - November 2018

The lack of movement was interesting given South Australia’s Home Battery Scheme, which also offers low interest loans to assist with a new solar + storage installation, was in effect during November. However, choice of battery systems is very limited until the New Year and only approved system providers can supply and install systems.  Queensland is also offering solar + storage support, but the scheme is limited in terms of numbers of packages available, batteries that are eligible and the companies that can install the systems.

Battery Size Choice

Big capacity battery systems (10kWh+) gained ground among those who has a size in mind to reach just under 35%; quite a jump from October (30%).  As in October, 55% of submitters weren’t sure on system size.

Battery capacity preference November 2018

Intended Battery Application

Just over 3% were wanting a home battery primarily for backup applications. This figure is yet to shift either side of the 2 – 4% range since we started the auSSII. A little under 50% wanted storage for minimising grid use (46% in October) and 47% for both applications (52% in October).

Intended battery use November 2018

Pre-Solar Electricity Bills

Where amounts were known, 49% reported quarterly electricity bills averaging $500 – $1,000, up again  on October (47%) and September (46%). 11% reported bills of $1,000 or more (same as October/September) and approximately 39% of submitters indicated they had quarterly bills of less than $500.

What Australians are paying for electricity - November 2018

About The auSSII

The auSSII report is based on details submitted by thousands of Australians who use our quotes service each month. Prospective solar buyers can get up to 3 obligation-free quotes from  thoroughly pre-vetted installers participating in the SolarQuotes network.

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About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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