Australian Solar System Interest Index – November 2017

Australian solar system interest index report

Last month again saw a great deal of activity on the SolarQuotes website from Australians interested in reducing their reliance on mains grid power and slashing their electricity bills through installing solar panels.


New South Wales again led the states, representing 32.9% of quote requests, although this was down a little on September (33.80%). Queensland was next in line at 21.26%; up from 19.25% in September. Victorian submissions comprised 21.22% of quotes. Bear in mind these figures are not weighted for population at this stage.

Solar interest in Australia - October 2017

Solar Power System Size Preference

Where a size preference was specified, 54% of submitters requested quotes for 5kW solar systems. Last month was the first month since starting the auSSII that we saw zero requests for 1.5kW systems in some states and territories (Tasmania, ACT and the Northern Territory). Nationally, interest in very small systems continues to decrease, with just 1.3% requesting quotes for 1.5kW systems. 41% of submitters were unsure of what system size suited their needs and requested advice to determine this

Solar systems size preference

System Purchase Timeframe

The percentage of Australians requesting quotes with an intention to buy solar within the next 3 months crept up again in October, to 78%. As in September, 15% were ready to purchase a system immediately. 22% indicated an acquisition timeframe of between 3 – 6 months.

Solar energy purchase intent

Price/Quality Preference

As was the case in September, close to 80% of Australians indicated they wanted a good mix of quality and price. Those leaning towards a “top quality (most expensive) system was again more than double the number asking for a quote on a good budget system.

Solar price vs. quality

Battery Ready Solar

Requests for battery ready solar were down a little in October compared to September and August, at around 11.5%

Battery ready solar

Solar + Battery Energy Storage

The percentage of Australians wanting solar + storage installed concurrently crept up to just under 6% – in September it was a touch under 5%.

solar + storage

Note: during the solar quoting process, when the solar + storage option is selected a flag displays indicating approximate costs involved before the submitter can proceed. This is done as many Australians are still unaware of even a ball-park price range for PV+ batteries. A “battery-ready” system option is also offered as an alternative at this point.

Battery System Size

Where a size was specified, 48% requested a battery with 10kWh+ capacity – up from 46% in September. Again, nearly half of those submitted requested advice on battery system size.

Size of battery energy storage system

Battery Application

The percentage of Australians wanting storage for both backup purposes and to minimise grid use/maximise solar electricity consumption grew from 56% to 60%

Application for batteries

Electricity Bills

48% of Australians indicated quarterly electricity bills of between $500 and $1,000, a slight drop from September. However, close to 11% said they had bills of between $1,000 and $2,000 per quarter, up from 10.2%. The percentage of Australians with bills below $500 remained reasonably static at 34.1%.

Quarterly electricity bills in Australia

About The auSSII Report

Thousands of solar quotes provided by pre-vetted Australian installers participating in the SQ installer network are generated as a result of the hundreds of thousands of Australian visits to SolarQuotes each month. This activity provides us with insights into what Australians who are considering purchasing a solar power system are thinking.

If you’d like to get 3 quotes from our pre-vetted installers, click here; or browse through our comprehensive database of solar installer reviews .

Installers – SolarQuotes offers qualified solar lead generation services for companies that care about providing quality solutions to their customers. Learn more about the benefits of joining the SolarQuotes installer network.

Report Reproduction Guidelines

Reproduction of graphs and other detail from November’s auSSII report is permitted if this page is acknowledged as the source.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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