Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – June 2018

Solar panel interest in Australia

Australians have been installing solar panels at a record rate and there’s still plenty of interest in turning the nation’s naked rooftops into bill-busting electricity generation platforms.

Preferences On System Sizes

Interest in quotes via our service for 6kW solar systems saw a jump last month, from 21% to 24% where a system size was specified. 6kW+ requests also increased, from 16% to 17.5%. However, 5kW is still the most popular capacity at just under 40% (down from 43%). 32% of overall quote requests asked for advice on solar power system sizing, down from 39% – so more Australians were clearer on what they wanted in May.

PV system sizing selection May 2018

Purchase Timeframe

15% of submitters were ready to buy solar panels straight away, down from 17% in April. In relation to a timeframe of anywhere from now to 3 months, the figure was 77%; up from April’s 75%.

Solar system purchase timeframe May 2018

Price And Quality Factors

As usual, not a lot has changed in the price vs. quality stakes, with approximately 78% wanting a quote on a system that was a “a good mix of quality and price”.  The “good budget system” option creeped up a little to around 7.5% and “top quality (most expensive)” was again around the 14% mark.

Solar Quality And Price May 2018

Battery Ready Systems

Interest in battery-ready systems increased again in April, with close 33% registering this option (April: 29%, March: 14%, February: 12% and January: 11%). This question is asked on our quoting form to assist potential providers in understanding future intentions as this may impact on system design.

Battery Ready Solar Interest - May 2018

Concurrent Solar + Battery System Installation

In May, just over 10% of submitters wanted a quote for a concurrent solar panel + battery system installation. This was nearly twice April’s figure (5.2%). There is an explanation for this aside from it just being a case of battery interest increasing. In May, we removed a flag on the quoting form when solar power + storage is selected providing ballpark price range and offering a battery-ready option instead. This also makes the “battery ready” figures above more interesting.

concurrent solar + storage installation - May 2018

Battery System Size Preference

For those wanting batteries and had a size in mind, 40% were wanting a home battery system with 10kWh+ capacity (down from 48% in April). The most requested battery size range was 5 – 10kWh (~45%). The proportion of those requesting advice on battery storage capacity grew from 48% in April to 57% in May. The changes in figures probably reflects the changes to the quoting process described above in relation to batteries, i.e more people expressing an interest but who aren’t particularly familiar with home energy storage (or the costs involved).

Battery storage capacity selection - May 2018

Main Battery Application

Just 2% wanted to install a battery primarily for backup purposes (4% in April, 2% in March, 5% in February and 4% in January), close to 44% for  minimising grid electricity use  (no change since April) and nearly 54% for both applications (53% in April).

Battery Application - May 2018

Average Quarterly Electricity Bills

Approximately 45% reported quarterly electricity bills of $500 – $1,000, a figure that has remained reasonably static this year. As in March and April, around 12% said they had quarterly bills of $1,000 or greater. Approximately 6% weren’t sure what they paid per quarter on average, less than in April, March and February (all around 7%); so it seems more Australians may be taking greater notice of what they are shelling out to electricity companies.

Australian electricity bills - May 2018

About The auSSII Report

The figures in SQ’s auSSII reports are based on the thousands of requests for solar quotes received via this web site each month.

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About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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