Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – October 2019

auSSII solar report - October 2019

September saw plenty of interest from Australians wanting to purchase a solar power system – find out what they were wanting to have installed in the latest auSSII report.

Solar Panel System Size

Of those who used the SolarQuotes quoting service in September, 70% indicated a system size they were interested in (same as August). 73% of this group wanted pricing and details on 6kW solar or larger; a figure that has been continuing to climb – 72% in August, 69% in July and 67% in June. Interest in 3kW systems persists in its downward trajectory, with just 2.5% selecting this size (3% in August and 3.5% in July). Learn more about why bigger solar is (usually) better.

Solar panel system capacity preference - September 2019

Buying Solar – Timeframe

Interest in buying a system immediately increased to 21% last month (19% in August, 18% in July). Just under 87% were keen on purchasing a system anytime from now to within 3 months (August/July 84%).

Solar buying timeframe - September 2019

Quality And Price Considerations

13% were interested a “top quality” (most expensive) system in September – this has usually sat around the 12-13% mark for some time. Again in September, 79% were wanting details on a system offering a balance between quality and price . 7% were considering a good budget system.

PV price vs. quality choice during September 2019

Solar Power System Monitoring

There continues to be very strong interest in optional advanced solar monitoring, with 67% indicating they wanted further information/pricing on this feature (66% in August, 63% in July).

Solar Power System Monitoring - September 2019

Battery Ready Solar Systems

Interest in “battery-ready” solar systems bounced back up a bit to 24% – it had been dropping each month for a while and then leveled out at 23% in August. Even though most solar installations are considered “battery-ready”, we ask this question when gathering details to assist prospective installers preparing quotes with system design.

Battery Ready Solar Choice - September 2019

Solar PV + Energy Storage

Solar batteries attract a lot of media attention, but new potential new solar owners still don’t seem to be all that interested. That’s a good thing as in the majority of cases, it still remains a battery won’t pay for itself within its warranty period.

In September, 5.5% expressed interest in having a home battery installed at the same time as their solar panels (August 5.5% and July 5%).

Concurrent PV + battery storage installation - September 2019

Solar Battery Capacity

For those who did want solar batteries and noted size (capacity), 16% opted for 1-5kWh (19% in August), 44% for 5-10kWh (same as August) and 39% a 10kWh+ storage system (37% August). The proportion wanting advice on battery capacity crept up to 56% (53% in August, 58% in July). Prospective buyers in this category have been above the 50% mark since we started publishing the auSSII.

Battery capacity preference September 2019

Primary Use Of Battery

Those wanting a battery primarily for backup purposes jumped in September, but still remain very much a minority – 7% (3% in August, 5% in July). Around 41% were wanting energy storage mainly for minimising grid electricity consumption (46% in August) and 51% wanted a battery for both applications (same as August).

Intended solar energy storage application - September 2019

Quarterly Electricity Costs

Where quarterly electricity bills were known, 49% of Australians using our service indicated a range between $500 and $1,000 (45% in August). Those hit with bills above $1,000 a quarter increased to 13% in September (August, 11%; July, 9%)

Australian quarterly power bills - September 2019

About The auSSII

Thousands of Australians use our quoting service every month in order to get up to three quotes from trusted solar installers pre-vetted by SolarQuotes – and the auSSII report is based on the information they submit.

Trusted Solar Sales Leads

If you’re a quality solar business looking for customers keen to get started on installing a system, SolarQuotes provides leads that are a cut above the rest – and we’ve been doing so for a decade. Learn more.

auSSII Reproduction

You’re welcome to reproduce content from these reports, but acknowledgement of the page any content is sourced from is required.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.


  1. Bret Busby in Western Australia says

    Why is the System Size Preference graph not including a National component?

    Also, in that graph, size categories are for each of the integer kW values, plus a “6+” category. I suggest that it would be useful to include a “6.6”, or, “6.66” category, as the maximum panels capacity for the 5kW inverter limit for single phase connections, and, a “>6.6” category, for everything bigger.

  2. Michael Bloch says

    Thank you for pointing out the missing “national” component on the system size preference graph. Graph has been updated.

    Re: the 6kW+ category, that is because the quote form only offers that option i.e. “more than 6kW” – there is no 6.6/6.66kW system selection on our form.

  3. Bret Busby in Western Australia says

    Perhaps, due to the contextual significance of the 6.6/6.66kW system size, a category for that size, could be added to the quote form; thence, to the resultant survey data?

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