Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – September 2019

auSSII solar report - September 2019

Discover what Australians were wanting in a solar power system (and battery storage) in our latest auSSII report, covering August 2019.

Solar Power System Capacity

Of the thousands of Australians who used our service in September, 70% had a system size already in mind. Of those, a whopping 72% were interested in a solar power system 6kW or larger. This figure has continued to creep up – 69% in July and 67% in June. Interest in 3kW systems continues to wane, with just over 3% selecting this system size (3.5% in July).

Solar power system capacity choice August 2019

Timeframe For PV Purchase

Those eager to purchase PV immediately increased to 19% last month, compared to 18% in July. Again in August, 84% wanted to buy a solar power system anytime from now to within 3 months.

Solar power purchase intent - August 2019

Quality And Price Considerations

Just on 13% had their sights set on a “top quality” (most expensive) system in August; not much change there between July/June’s 12% and May’s 13%. 79% expressed interest in a system with a balance between quality and price (81% in July) and 8% were after a good budget system – this number has been bouncing around 7-8% for quite a while.

Solar price vs. quality during August 2019

Solar System Monitoring

Finn strongly recommends investing in an advanced solar monitoring system (here’s why) – and there has been a lot of interest from Australians in this optional feature. 66% wanted details in August, up from July’s 63%.

Solar Systems Monitoring - August 2019

Battery Ready Solar Systems

Interest in “battery-ready” solar power systems had been dropping each month for some time but leveled out at 23% in August. While most solar power system installations can generally be considered “battery-ready” these days, this question is on our quoting form to help prospective installers with system design when preparing quotes.

Battery Ready Solar Preference- August 2019

Solar PV + Energy Storage

Close to 5.5% expressed interest in having a solar battery installed concurrently with their solar panels, up a smidge on July’s 5%. It’s encouraging to see Australians avoiding batteries at this point for whatever reason, as the best return on investment is to be had by installing more solar panels.

PV + battery storage installation - August 2019

Solar Battery Capacity

For those who were set on getting quotes for solar batteries and had a capacity in mind, 19% asked for pricing on 1-5kWh capacity, 44% for 5-10kWh and 37% for 10kWh+. The proportion of those wanting guidance on battery sizing dropped from 58% in July to 53% in August.

Battery size capacity preference August 2019

Primary Use Of Battery

Just 3% were wanting a battery for backup purposes (5% in July). 46% had minimising grid electricity consumption as their primary reason, while 51% wanted a battery for both applications.

Intended battery use application August 2019

Quarterly Electricity Costs

Where quarterly electricity costs were known, 45% selected a range of $500 – $1,000 (49% in July). Those hit with average quarterly bills of more than $1,000 rose from July’s 9% to 11% in August.

Australian quarterly electricity bills - August 2019

About auSSII Data

Thousands of Australians use our quoting service every month to receive up to three quotes from pre-vetted installers participating in the SQ network – and the auSSII is based on the information they provide.

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About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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