Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – August 2019

auSSII solar report - August 2019

The latest auSSII report provides a statistics snapshot of what Australian solar buyers were wanting in a solar power system during July 2019.

PV System Sizing

69% of those who submitted their details for quotes through our service and had a system capacity in mind requested pricing details for a 6kW or larger solar system (67% in June and 68% in May). 3kW systems are going the way of smaller systems before them, with just 3.5% expressing interest in this size. As was the case in June, 32% were unsure on capacity and requested guidance on system size.

Solar power system capacity choice July 2019

Purchase Timeframe

18% of Australians using our service were eager to buy a system immediately (19% in June, 16% in May and 18% in April). 84% planned a purchase anytime from now to within 3 months (85% in June, 80% in May).

Solar power purchase intent - July 2019

Quality Vs. Price

Close to 12% wanted a “top quality” (most expensive) system in July; around the same level as June (May ~13%). As for a preference for a system offering a balance of quality and price; this was up a little at 81%, and 7% wanted details on a good budget solar power system (8% in June, 7% in May).

Solar price vs. quality during July 2019

Advanced System Monitoring

We ask the question on our quote form:  “Would you like consumption monitoring?” as a solar monitoring system is a wise option. It seems many Australians considering going solar understand the value in advanced energy monitoring, with 63% selecting “yes” in July. This dropped back a little from June’s 64%, May’s 67% and April’s 65%.

Solar Systems Monitoring - July 2019

Solar Battery Ready Systems

Interest in “battery-ready” solar power systems has continued to slowly drop – 23% in July, 24% in June, 26% in May and 27% in both April and March. While systems installed these days can generally be considered “battery-ready”, we ask this question to assist installers who will be supplying quotes with system design.

Battery Ready Solar Preference- July 2019

Solar Energy + Battery Installation

Just 5% registered their interest in having a solar battery installed at the same time as their PV system; well down on the 7% we saw in June and May’s 8%. This may be due to household budgets getting tighter or the growing realisation that at this point in time, solar batteries have a negative impact on system payback in the vast majority of cases. The best bang for buck comes from installing more solar panels.

PV + battery storage installation - July 2019

Battery Sizing

Where there was interest in a concurrent battery installation and capacity was specified, just over 17% requested pricing and details on a 1-5kWh system in July (19%  in June, 20% in May, 21% in April), 51% a 5-10kWh battery (43% in June, 45% May, 43% in April) and 32% a 10kWh+ battery (38% in June, 35% in May and April). 58% wanted guidance on battery sizing in July, up from 55% in June.

Battery size capacity preference July 2019

Battery Application

A little under 5% wanted to use a solar battery primarily for backup purposes (June and May around 3%, April 6%). 47% were after energy storage to minimise grid electricity consumption (June 45%, May 48% ), while 48% were interested in both applications (52% in June, 49% in May, 47% in April).

Intended battery use application July 2019

Electricity Bills

Approximately 49% of those who used the SolarQuotes service in July who knew their electricity costs said they had quarterly electricity bills of $500 – $1,000 (45% in June, 50% in May and April). A little more than 9% were seeing bills over $1,000 (11% in June, 13% in May and 11% in April).

Australian quarterly electricity bills - July 2019

auSSII Data Source

We base the auSSII report on details submitted by thousands of Australians who use our solar quoting service every month. Submitters receive detailed quotes from up to three businesses in SQ’s network of trusted installers who we match to their requirements.

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auSSII Reproduction

Details from auSSII reports can be reproduced, but the page details are sourced from is to be acknowledged in any reproduction.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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