Search Results for: south australia

Is Home WiFi The Achilles Heel Of South Australia’s Flexible Exports Program?

South Australia – where more than 1-in-3 homes have rooftop solar – is once again leading the charge in solar energy integration with the introduction of Flexible Exports for new solar connections, starting in earnest this month (July 2023).
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South Australia Wields The Solar Shutdown Compliance Stick

Are you *sure* you selected “Australia A” for Volt/Var response?

I recently received an invite from SA Power Networks to join them for a “free and informative webinar on the new automated feature for DER compliance management”.

You are probably thinking two things right now:

  1. “DER Compliance”? That sounds boring at batshit.
  2. Who cares about the inner workings of South Australia’s grid except for South Australian energy nerds?

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South Australia’s EV Tax Officially Ditched

South Australia electric vehicle tax

There wasn’t a great deal of fanfare, but legislation to repeal SA’s electric vehicle taxed passed the Upper House last week. [Read more…]

South Australia Proves You Can Go Off-Grid With A Million People

South Australian renewable energy transition

In November 2022, South Australia experienced a ferocious storm that decoupled us from the rest of the electricity grid and felled many local power lines. Functioning as an island, we couldn’t export to the bigger national network, so without that safety valve, SA Power Networks (SAPN) was obliged to pull out all the stops to maintain stability. [Read more…]

Electric Vehicles: V2G Good To Go In South Australia

Electric vehicles - V2G - vehicle to grid

EV owners in South Australia can reportedly now apply to SA Power Networks to install V2G bi-directional chargers. While an important step towards making better use of electric cars, don’t get too excited just yet. [Read more…]

If Renewables Are So Cheap, Why Is South Australian Electricity So Expensive?

Electricity prices in SA - renewables and gas

Recently I wrote about South Australia going from zero to 70% renewable energy generation in 16 years, resulting in:

  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • improved air quality
  • lower electricity prices than we’d have without those renewables

But – although our electricity prices would be much higher without renewable energy, electricity prices – overall – have still trended up over those 16 years. And that’s because many things affect electricity pricing. [Read more…]

South Australia Reaches 70% Renewables

SA renewable energy vs. fossil fuels

SA’s electricity generation mix: Green = Renewables, Black = Fossil, Purple = Imports.

In 2007, less than 1% of South Australia’s electricity came from renewable sources.  An army of trolls claimed it was impossible for intermittent renewables to power more than 20% of SA’s grid. [Read more…]

South Australia’s Kerta Solar Farm Energised

Kerta Solar Farm

As large-scale solar power plants go, Kerta Solar Farm is a little ‘un – but it has a very interesting feature. [Read more…]

South Australia’s Switch For Solar Program Expands

Switch for Solar - South Australia

SA’s Marshall Government has decided to expand its “Switch for Solar” program, which provides free solar installations for eligible low-income households. [Read more…]

South Australian Government Claims Victory Over Electricity Prices

SA Premier Steven Marshall - electricity prices

SA’s Marshall Government is strutting its renewables street cred and spruiking electricity bill savings over the last four years, while sledging Labor’s previous performance on power prices. [Read more…]

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