Search Results for: roadmap to renewables

Solar To Shine In The NT – Roadmap To Renewables Report Released

Northern Territory renewable energy target
Along with the release of NT’s Roadmap To Renewables report yesterday, the Northern Territory’s government has also announced new grants for households to install solar panels. [Read more…]

AEMO: NEM Not Yet Ready for 100% Renewables

queensland pylons

The AEMO is taking the next steps to ensure Australia’s National Energy Market (NEM) can survive the shift to solar power and wind. [Read more…]

Transgrid Says More Renewables Is The Only Way To Bring Energy Prices Down

Transgrid CEO Brett Redman says bringing renewables online as quickly as possible is

“the only way to bring energy prices down”.


“With over 80 per cent of coal-fired capacity in NSW expected to retire and 28GW of new renewable and storage capacity coming online in the next 10 years, we must urgently accelerate the investment in all areas of the energy transition.”

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Another $15.3 Million For Renewables And Energy Efficiency In Victoria

Renewable energy in Victoria

Image: Bru-nO

Victoria’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio has unveiled a new package of renewable investments and regional renewable energy roadmaps. [Read more…]

More Support For Renewables In Victoria

Image: seagul

The Victorian Government has stumped up more funding to help the state towards its renewable energy goals and low-carbon economy aspirations. [Read more…]

Climate Council : 50% Renewables By 2030, End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

End fossil fuel subsidies

No Subsidies For You – Climate Council | Image:  CSIRO, CC BY 3.0, Link

The Climate Council’s submission to the Federal Government’s 2017 Climate Policy Review recommends a national transition plan for Australia’s electricity system that will result in at least 50% renewables by 2030.

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Global CO2 Emissions Stall, Economy Grows, Thanks To Renewables

power station with solar

The massive deployment of renewables has helped global CO2 emissions fall.

Interesting news from two separate studies from different agencies this week folks. The first — from the International Energy Agency (IEA) — found that carbon emissions have stalled worldwide for the second year in a row. The second, from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), outlined the associated benefits of doubling the share of renewables in the world energy mix. [Read more…]

Solar Cash For Northern Territory Councils

energy efficiency and sustainability grant - NT

Image: samfabersf

The Northern Territory Government has announced a $2 million energy efficiency and sustainability grant funding pool for local government councils. [Read more…]

Two New Large-Scale Solar Energy Projects For The Northern Territory

Solar energy in the Northern Territory

Image: Northern Territory Government

The NT Government announced yesterday that the Territory will be powered by 10% solar energy by the end of 2019. [Read more…]

$5M Rooftop Solar Roll Out For NT Schools To Commence

Solar schools - Northern Territory

Image: Hans

The Northern Territory’s government has announced the first round of schools that will soon have solar panels installed. [Read more…]

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