Search Results for: liddell power station

Liddell Power Station: The End Is (Really) Nigh

Liddell Power Station

First switched on back in 1971, coal- fired clunker Liddell Power Station will very soon be switched off for good. So, what impact will this have on electricity prices? Will there be blackouts? [Read more…]

AGL’s Plans For Liddell Power Station Unveiled

Liddell Power Station

On Saturday, AGL announced it still intends closing the Liddell Power Station in New South Wales, revealing its plans to replace it with gas peaker plants, renewable energy, battery storage and demand response. [Read more…]

Closing Liddell Power Station Could Save More Than $1.3 Billion

Lidell Power Station

A new report states shuttering the ageing coal-fired Liddell Power Station on schedule and replacing it with a “clean energy package” would not only slash emissions, but save a truckload of cash. [Read more…]

Poll : No Public Cash For Liddell Power Station Life Support

Liddell Power Station

Results from a recent poll indicate 77% of Australians believe public money should not be used to keep coal-fired clunker Liddell Power Station open past 2022.

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Craig Kelly: AGL Speaks With Forked Tongue On Liddell Power Station

Craig Kelly - Liddell Power Station

Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly has accused AGL of being deceitful with regard to the Liddell Power Station stoush. Pot, meet kettle?

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Kerfuffle Over Potential Liddell Power Station Sale And Life-Support

Liddell Power Station - Coal Fired Clunker

Ageing Liddell Power Station’s ears are burning as well as its coal

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s attempts to keep an old coal fired power station in New South Wales operating past its use-by date has caused quite a stir.

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Coal Power Plants Producing Less Electricity, Pumping More Pollution

Coal power plant pollution in Australia

New analysis of National Pollutant Inventory data indicates while some Australian coal power stations are generating less electricity, a number saw levels of toxic pollutants increase. [Read more…]

Going Nuts With Solar Power And Battery Storage

Solar to power Australian almond production

A major food and agri-business looks set to get a huge solar and battery storage system to help power its Australian almond production. [Read more…]

Regional Queensland Braces For Power Price Hike

Electricity prices in regional Queensland

A draft determination from the Queensland Competition Authority indicates regional Queenslanders will be paying more for electricity in 2022/23 – and big business will be hit particularly hard. [Read more…]

Coal Power: The Comeback Kid For Now (But Not In Australia)

Coal power emissions

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned the world is well off track on electricity generation related emissions after coal power saw a resurgence last year. [Read more…]

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