Search Results for: coal ash

NSW Inquiry Tackles Coal Ash Issue

Coal ash in New South Wales

Image: Bayswater Power Station Coal Ash Dam | Source: Hunter Community Environment Centre

A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry has delivered a report recognising coal ash is a toxic waste product that needs better regulation and utilisation. [Read more…]

Out Of The Ashes II – The Coal Ash Threat In NSW

Coal ash pollution in New South Wales

Image: Out Of The Ashes II – Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC)

A report released by Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC) yesterday estimates 100 tonnes of harmful heavy metals leach into NSW waterways every year from coal ash waste in four regions. [Read more…]

AGL Macquarie Cops $100,000 Coal Ash Penalty

Coal ash penalty

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says AGL Macquarie has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking that will see it coughing up $100,000 after another breach of regulations concerning the management of coal ash. [Read more…]

Australia’s Coal Ash Dumps A “Ticking Time Bomb”

Coal ash waste in Australia

One of Australia’s biggest waste problems – coal ash – presents a huge risk to human and environmental health states a new report. [Read more…]

60 Million Tonnes Of Toxic Coal Ash At Lake Macquarie

Coal ash at Lake Macquarie

Just some of the huge stockpile of coal ash | Image: HCEC

Accumulation of coal ash and water discharge from New South Wales’ Eraring and Vales Point power stations is creating a toxic aquatic environment in Lake Macquarie states a new report. [Read more…]

More Coal Ash Headaches For AGL Macquarie

Coal ash - Liddell and Bayswater power stations

Image source: AGL

Coal is one of “nature’s gifts1”  that keeps on giving even after it’s burned – and not just in terms of emissions. [Read more…]

Coal Vying For Underwriting New Generation Investments Cash

66 submissions were received for the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program – and coal power reportedly features heavily. [Read more…]

Monash Forum Releases First Coal “Fact Sheet”

Coal Power - Monash Forum Fact Sheet

Image: stevepb

The Monash Forum, a collective of pro-coal Liberal/National MPs, published its first fact sheet in defence of the little black rock late last week. It was ..interesting. [Read more…]

Monash Forum To Ramp Up Fight For Coal Power

Monash Forum - Coal Power

Image: Pavlofox | Note: The hand may or may not belong to Craig Kelly.

Members of the Monash Forum are readying for a battle for hearts, minds and funds as the direction of Australia’s energy future is determined. [Read more…]

Renewed Push For Coal Power In Australia – “Monash Manifesto” Unveiled

Hazelwood 2.0?

Hazelwood Power Station – Image: Simpsons fan 66

A bunch of Liberal/National party MPs have reportedly gotten together to form a little club called the Monash Forum, a major aim of which is to push for more coal-fired power generation in Australia. [Read more…]

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