True Value Solar - Company Review Notice True Value Solar - Company Review Notice
True Value Solar

True Value Solar Reviews

98% 0%

Based on 476 ratings


True Value Solar is one of Australia's largest solar installation companies. But big is not necessarily better, and in my opinion they are nowhere near to being the best.

They don’t have the worst reputation of a large solar installation company in Australia. But my opinion of True Value Solar is still not good.

While they are better than they used to be, as recently as April 2016 the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) took action on account of their business practices.

They still have long way to go before SolarQuotes would ever recommend them as an installer.

When reading reviews and looking at ratings for True Value Solar, be aware that they have been investigated by the ACCC for paying customers for positive reviews, so there are definitely grounds for suspicion about any review rating totals you see for them.

True Value Solar Today Tonight Exposé

The True Value Solar company was founded in 2009 and did not get off to a good start. This Today Tonight segment from 2011 exposes True Value Solar forging signatures and performing incompetent and potentially dangerous installations.

True Value Solar Improperly Claimed 9,661 Renewable Energy Certificates

On the 2nd of June 2011 the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator required an enforceable undertaking from True Value Solar for creating 219 Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) they were not entitled to between 22 January 2010 and 26 August 2010.

True Value Solar was required to:

“...compensate for the creation of the certificates.”

I presume this means they were required to surrender 219 certificates that had been created.

True Value Solar was hit with a second enforceable undertaking for the creation of 9,442 Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) they were not entitled to between 13 October 2010 and 23 March 2011.

The Office Of The Renewable Energy Regulator stated:

“True Value Solar (Vic) Pty Ltd was not entitled to create those Certificates - namely, the units were not designed and installed by the person who was nominated as the accredited installer for the purposes of the creation of the Certificates.”

True Value Solar was required to have an independent accredited installer return to check the installations in question and ensure they met the requirements for the issue of certificates.

True Value Solar ACCC Infringement Notices For Misleading Advertising

In January 2011 True Value Solar advertised a 1.52 kilowatt solar system as being a 3 kilowatt system. In other words they stated it was twice as large as it actually was. That is like a butcher giving you one kilogram of steak and charging you for two.

As a result, they were investigated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and issued with infringement notices totalling $13,200.

ACCC chairman Rod Sims stated:

"Companies need to ensure that their advertised claims accurately reflect the product or service being offered."

The ACCC has reported that True Value Solar has acknowledged its advertising was likely to have contravened Australian Consumer Law. Personally, I am sure as hell that selling one kilogram of steak as two kilograms and selling a 1.52 kilowatt solar system as a 3 kilowatt system contravenes Australian Consumer Law. As far as I am concerned there is nothing “likely” about it. It is bloody obvious.

True Value Solar also undertook a court enforceable undertaking regarding misleading advertising, which means they would be in more trouble if they did something similar again. But it appears they did not learn their lesson and were investigated by the ACCC again in 2016 for paying customers to provide favourable reviews.

True Value Solar Is Owned By German Company M+W

In 2011 the German engineering firm M+W purchased 65% of True Value Solar and in 2013 they acquired the remaining 35%. Why they did this I do not know. But M+W started off in 1912 making ventilation systems, so maybe they are just nostalgic about things that suck.

The letters M+W used to stand for Meissner and Wurst. As True Value Soar has improved since the Germans took over it appears that taking a turn for the Wurst has made things better. However, they have not improved nearly enough to rehabilitate their reputation as far as I can see.

M+W is a large engineering firm involved mostly in electronics but also in both solar and nuclear power, which is an interesting mix. As a large multinational company they definitely have a vested interest in maintaining a good reputation, so I would like more people to be aware that True Value Solar is owned by M+W and its behaviour reflects upon them.

True Value Solar ACCC Investigation Into Paying For Positive Reviews

In 2015 True Value Solar began offering a free solar system servicing for which they would normally charge $199 to customers who wrote reviews. They only made this available to people who said their experiences were positive and they did not disclose that these reviews had been paid for.

After being contacted by the ACCC in April 2016 True Value Solar discontinued this particular example of paying for positive reviews. Of course it would have been nice if they didn't need the ACCC to tell them they shouldn't be doing this kind of thing.

True Value Solar Fake Reviews From Eastern Europe

The SolarQuotes site has received fake positive reviews for True Value Solar from Eastern Europe. There is no way to know that anyone at True Value Solar had anything to do with these fake reviews, but it is not a good sign. Sending fake reviews about solar companies to Australia is probably not the sort of thing Eastern European teenagers do for a laugh.

True Value Solar Bosch Inverters

At the time of writing in July 2016 True Value Solar advertising prominently features German made Bosch inverters. But while they were German made, they are no longer made anymore as Bosch has discontinued them. This is not to say they aren’t good inverters and Bosch will still back its 5 year warranty, but people should be aware that Bosch inverters are now a thing of the past. It appears that True Value Solar has bought a very large consignment of them at a low price and it will be interesting to see how long they can manage to keep using them.

True Value Solar Panels

True Value Solar Panels include quality, tier 1 brands. However, they have also used panels that are not tier one on any list that I am aware of. If you use True Value Solar, make sure the panels they install are of good quality.

Servicing True Value Solar Panels

True Value Solar recommends having their rooftop solar systems serviced every two years and as of writing they currently charge $250 for this service. In my opinion no rooftop solar system that is competently installed needs to be serviced every two years. For peace of mind I'd recommend getting it checked every 5 years, but every two years is a waste of money and suggesting they need such regular servicing is fleecing the customer in my book.

True Value Solar Prices

True Value Solar's prices are low. This is how they bring customers in. While bringing down the cost of solar power is a wonderful thing, it only makes sense if quality is maintained. In my experience a low cost system is often a false economy that results in more expenses down the line.

The good news is the average quality of True Value Solar's installations appear to have improved since they were taken over by M+W. Their prices are also no longer quite so low, compared to the competition, as they were. If the extra expense is going towards more competent and reliable installations, and better service then that is all for the good.

True Value Solar Is Not A SolarQuotes Client

SolarQuotes has never recommended True Value Solar as an installer through our ‘Get Quotes’ service. Our goal is to make sure people have a great experience buying solar and, in my opinion, recommending them won’t help us achieve that.

The good news about True Value Solar is that they seem to have become better over time. But they can’t seem to shake off all their bad habits. They were dinged just recently (April 2016) by the ACCC for paying for positive reviews.

If they could lay off the unethical behaviour and continue improving the quality of their installations and service then I’d encourage them to do that. But they are still a long way from becoming an installer I’d recommend to friends.

Full Disclosure: SolarQuotes is a commercial site, albeit one run by a solar enthusiast. We make money by referring you to installers we trust, if you ask for quotes through this site. When we make a referral we get paid by the installer. We have about 200 solar installer clients throughout Australia that we've built up slowly since 2009. These clients pay us every month for those referrals whether they result in a sale or not. True Value Solar have asked about becoming a client, but we have always turned them down because we would not be comfortable referring them to our friends, so we won't refer them via this site. In the spirit of transparency, True Value Solar are welcome to respond to our criticism, and we'll link to that response here.

Panels, inverter, battery and EV charger brands

The views expressed by reviewers are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Peacock Media Group, which makes no representations as to the accuracy of the reviews. For our full disclaimer and further information, see our Terms of Use and our Review Guidelines.

True Value Solar Reviews (476)

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Value for money


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Customer Service

  • 5 star 45
  • 4 star 257
  • 3 star 94
  • 2 star 41
  • 1 star 39

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The Deposit requested by True Value Solar was excessive.
After some very direct emails to True Value Solar, I managed to get my way and reduce the deposit required.

Inverter rating: 4/5
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Faulty system

Would never recommend this company after only 2years one of my panels shattered internally, tried to contact company on several occasions to have no response, ended up having to get another company to come & have a look at my panel, to which I had to pay $1000 for a new panel as the panel had actually burnt out & was told by the other company I was lucky it actually didn't start a fire. Not very impressed that not only they wouldn't respond to my emails etc, but was even more livid that I had to pay extra money for a new panel that should be covered under warranty. Let alone it could of burnt my house down if it caught fire. Absolutely disgusting & deplorable service.
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Waste of money

I bought solar system i 2014 for about six and half thousand dollars in 6 years i saved 50 dollars on each bill 4 bills a year = 200 dollars a year saving 1200 dollars for 6 years true value rip off
Inverter rating: 1/5
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This was my first investment and only cost $1700. It had a SAMIL inverter which died after 10 years. When I added 2 more panels to this system I had to add an earth bar.
Panel rating: 4/5
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Incorrect advice given, unfortunately could only fit 8 panels on roof. Unit came with 3kw inverter. Advised me to have 1.5kw inverter. Still charged same amount and totally wrong advice.
Provided and installed panels without trouble.
Maintenance service not explained however when I first got them out for service would not clean panels due to pitch of roof. Still charged $150
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An overall terrible experience - Would not recommend.
Inverter rating: 1/5
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I picked true value solar because they were one of the biggest companys...only for them to shut down. I wish i never got solar its been a complete waste of time and money
Panel rating: 1/5
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PV array installed 2 Dec 2014 with 18 x ReneSola 250W Poly PV Panels with SMA Tripower Inverter. Both strings failed Nov 2019 with snail trails on 50% of panels and Insulation resist error coming up on SMA display and stopped exporting power. Technical data is (Array 1 308V dc, short cct 9.6amp and array 2 260V dc short cct 9.2 amp - 1000 volt Mohm 50 Mohms with both arrays sitting around 6-12 volts to earth). In short, more than 50% of panels are on the way out before 5 years and the European inverters (more sensitive than other inverters I am told) are designed to shut down when there is too much resistance.
Retailer/Agent is out of business - True Value Solar
Tried to contact ReneSola Australia but they are not contactable.
Completed ReneSolar warranty form and sent direct to head office email address, but it bounced back.
Tried to call ReneSolar China and it rang out.
Result is that our solar PV experience is less that satisfactory as a result of choosing ReneSolar panels and we have made a loss.
Advice is to go high spec for everything, as it is cheaper in the long run. We went high spec on the inverter, assuming the technology curve had closed with the maturing of the life-cycle and closing of the technology gap between PV manufacturers, but failed to give adequate consideration to product quality in the decision making process. Also, don't think you can just remove, bypass or replace panels in the future, as this is complicated by matching panel performance qualities, expense of testing, locating and replacing defective panels vs new system which attract STC's.
Not happy - steer clear.

Panel rating: 1/5
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They don’t honor their warranty and the products don’t last over 5-6 years.
Panel rating: 1/5
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The company who sold me the panels 3 years ago, has now disappeared from the market and my warranty now seems null and void.. The Hanwha panels i were told, had a 5 year warranty.
Panel rating: 2/5
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Worst of my life
Inverter rating: 1/5
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I have had trouble with my panels and someone came out on Thursday 11 days ago to have a look at the problem and said they would contact me within a week to say when they would be back. This is a warranty problem, and I am trying to find out when the job is going to be completed as the system has been turned off. I have been trying all morning to contact this company by phone. No answer or section is not available and then the message says to leave your number and they would get back to you, but the their system disconnects you so that you cannot leave contact details. Sent email for someone to ring back but have not heard anything as yet.

I am a retired pensioner and have worked in customer service all my life within a government department in Perth, if we had a system like this company I would not have a job, it is impolite to try all the press this button and to have it say this section is not available. How can a company work like this and still say they are the top Australian Solar Company.
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We did not go through with TVS, very bad service from both sales and installers, got our deposit back. We decided to go with another.
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The amount of money spent (which we had to pay off over a long time) was atrocious - and everything in the solar power system was faulty and I mean everything ! - faulty inverter replaced, faulty isolators, faulty and then faulty again, even faulty installation of all the panels which had to be redone and also the installation was very 'untidy'.
The system never worked for the first l8 months but we had extreme difficulty contacting anyone, and at that time there was an abusive man as CEO and we couldn't get anywhere. Even the panels that were installed wrongly were faulty and they had to be replaced as they were peeling - it is also pretty impossible to get in touch with anyone - and in fact my email to customer service has 'bounced back' this morning - and I was told they are 'belly up' - they were the worst solar mob Australians were inflicted with and no one to hold them accountable - we are still so upset after all this time. So if they have gone belly up not surprised but what the hell happens with warranties ..........
TVS were allegedly grossly incompetent and who didn't even have a long enough ladder in the beginning and each time you phoned you got shafted from one person to the next and i think they went through staff like their undies - we couldn't get help for such a time time - it was deplorable that we were inflicted with this nightmare.
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The invereor failed approximately 4 months ago. True Value Solar assured me it would be done under warranty. They gave me a claim number on the first call. ( 23/07/2018) I have numerous emails making promises from True Value Solar. I have an email from Growatt inverters, sent to me by True Value Solar, denying a warranty claim on the part of the inverter supplier and telling me I would have to pay for a new one. ( as if this was supposed be an excuse to change their mind on the warranty ) To make a long story short, True Value Solar has demonstrated a 'don't care' attitude which is reflected in their lack of action and constant excuses. They don't even have the decency to phone me when I have their emails saying they will ( even the next day ) which was weeks ago.
I hope they read this review because I have all the emails to prove my claim if anyone wants them. Also I have the emails from Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading cc'd to me.
From my experience there is nothing true value about True Value Solar.
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Just had awful consumer service experience with this company.
Unit only 4 years old and this will be our 3rd Inverter so far in 4 years. Rang everyday for the last two weeks, they never return the call. Still waiting!
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I've tried for months to get these guys to repair the system which has a faulty invertor. I really notice the difference in the power bills.

Time to go the ombudsman and all the pain involved in that.
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3 phone calls 3 emails, all say will get back to you shortly
Result, no return contact. System drawing 200w instead of 1500 to 2000w according to inspector
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After sales service is terrible! I asked them to service my system and all the guy did was look at the lights in the power box and say, yeah it's working and then left. Had the hide to charge me too.
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We had a faulty DC isolator, which took six months to get fixed and no one will speak to us about compensation.
We had to have our solar turned off all through summer in case it burnt our house down.
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True value totally incompetent
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I returned to my previous installer True Value Solar who provide 6.2 Kw panels with a 5kW inverter for $4,300, which was professionally installed last week.
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System installed by a Franchise from Rockhampton. Had to upgrade switchboard as a part of the process. Hot water System was wired incorrectly into normal tariff circuit and not off peak. Took 2 months of chasing up and $$$ in extra electricity cost which was never refunded.

System ran fine for 2 yrs and then the Franchisee contacted me to conduct a clean and inspection $300 to maintain my warranty which i payed for and was completed. However I never received the promised thermal camera images or customer report on system.

3 Yrs later I organised a local solar panel installer to clean the panels and inspect them. After cleaning they issued me a report informing me that 11 of the Panels in my array had Microfractures and where a fire hazard.

I immediately contacted the Franchisee who told me to contact True Value Solar for the Warranty.

I contacted True Value Solar and forwarded them the Report re the Microfractures and was informed that in their opinion the damage was only cosmetic.

2 Months later my Inverter Failed. As it was out of Warranty I asked True Value to Quote me a new Inverter. Which they did but with the Caveat that an installer had to come from Brisbane to install it. (at $1000) I purchased and had installed an inverter from a Local Supplier. However on installation they found that one of the Strings of Panels had an Isolation Fault and was not supplying Power.

I have been constantly trying to get True Value to come and look at my panels and accept that their is an issue. They do not respond to emails and are nearly impossible to get on the phone. Their support number asks you to leave a message and then just hangs up before you can leave anything. They demanded a $250 service fee to come and look at the panels but even though I have payed it over a month ago they have not acknowledged receipt of the payment or organised anyone to come and inspect. I have even contacted the Office of Fair Trading in QLD who have been trying to contact True Value on my Behalf and they have been having the same issue regarding response to emails etc.

Email received after 6 months of back an forth states that True Value don't have a record of the order and that I need to contact the Franchisee in regards to the Warranty. I have installation documents clearly stating it was True Value.

This delay is costing me $1000's of dollars in input credits at 44c.

They have over the course of discussion, Questioned Electrical Engineers/Installers Reports, Denied I was a Customer, Provided me with BOM analysis from another (Southern) state as proof of panels working ok, Questioned my Analysis or BOM Data which later proved to be correct. Stated that Warranty on System was voided because I replaced components (The Inverter). When Quoting on replacement Inverter include travel from Brisbane to Gladstone ($1000). Accused Licenced Electrician who replaced the Inverter of damaging the System (Even though it was not working prior to changeout)
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I feel ripped off! Don't Support True Value
Unable to get original installation issues sorted out after 7 months.
Still haven't received all of the miles promised after 7 months
System goes down 3-4 times a week with VAC error. True Value has not sent anyone to investigate
Monitoring was linked to incorrect property and only resolved after months
Consumption monitoring not working due to incorrect part on installation
True value does not follow up on Calls ... NEVER EVER ... not one in 10 calls
Call centre says it does not work today (Weekday - Monday)
Wait up to 30 minutes to get them to answer phone
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We had 4 properties booked for installation.2 moth after taking the deposit for one nothing happened.I asked for my deposit back -they withhold ~$150
One property had rooftiles left out -my rooms got flooded in Jan 18, today is 1st of May.Till today they have not taken any responsibility.They do comunicate.Check this email out. This is email number 72.Yes 72 email in 3 month from them and no responsibility.I am reporting them today to Vcat.Enough of this lies!!!!!!!!!

Dear Elvira,
I’ve received an update from our insurance.
Our claims advisor will be in contact with you in relation to policy indemnity, requests for further information, and what steps Zurich will be taking in the future management of this claim within 10 business days.
Due to the long tail nature of this claim, we will provide you with updates on this claim every 60 business days, or earlier should important developments arise.
I will update you when I receive more. You may receive a call before I do though.

Kind regards,
(Full Name Withheld)
Customer Care Manager
P 13 SOLAR (13 7652) | Ext (Withheld)
E (Withheld)
A 8/170-180 Rooks Road Vermont Victoria 3133
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True Value Solar have no customer service. I am still waiting for a date for an installer to instal the replacement inverter. First contacted on the 16th March by phone. Reminder calls are ignored. Emails are ignored. New inverter just sitting there. I am losing "solar time" when faulty inverter not working. Lousy service.
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On the day of installation, I mentioned to the installer that I have concerns regarding shading if the panels were placed where they we installed, only to be told, "we know what we are doing".
Guess what, my panels are shaded in the morning for 1.5 hours and 2 hours in winter. I tried to explain to True Value Solar and even supplied photos of the shading. I was asked to record my average daily power generation over a set time, which I did, only to be told that the system is generating above the minimum specified, so they are not going to do anything about it.
So if you want a system that generates barely above minimum and you don't want the most efficient system, go with True Value Solar.
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So far good. It is early days yet.
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Our Solar has now been turned off for over 4 months and our summer months too due to faulty isolation switches i reckon we would have lost over $600 in this time of credits and are still waiting for this to be rectified just not good enough and they just fob you off .
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They were quick to advise I upgrade my inverter to 5kw so i can easily and according to the salesman cheap to upgrade later. Lesson here get that info in writing. Very quick to get an installer to arrange to install it. 2 and half years later I have two faulty panels. Everyone hates dealing with those overseas call centres but they give a far far superior customer service that True Value Solar. (Sarcasm.) your are in a queue for at least 35 to 40 minutes. I kept calling back, sending pictures and being told they didn’t get them, then being told it can be up to 4 to 6 weeks. I called week 5, just brushed off with it is in progress. Week 6 still nothing. Emailed an angry but not abusive complaint and got the customer service manger telling me the panels have to be ordered even though I was told two weeks before they had been sent to the warehouse in Qld. Finally the job was given to a sub contractor to fix. They weren’t happy about giving me his number and i called him, he is also getting the run around by them. He called them on my claim and next thing i get an email telling me it will take two to three weeks before it is repaired and then told me to resist from contacting the repairer. He called me back to say call him anytime. Well i am into week 4 and nothing. The repair guy is getting the run around. This started at the end of Jan 2018 but had to resend pictures, as claimed they were not received, so resent at the beginning of Feb 2018. Really really poor and substandard service. If only I knew this I would never had purchased from them. I should have recorded a sales person as i called to ask about adding panels just to see how quick I get through to the sales team and see if the price was cheap and I am told the energy companies wont let that happen as it was installed before some date his listed as systems need some special device. His answer to what am i supposed to do based on buying a bigger inverter was buy a new unit. I found out I can install more panels but a supplier wouldn’t get the government rebates if they installed more panels so updating the complete system becomes the option. Still this will be classed as hear say since I didn’t have it recorded.
At the end if the day find a local installer, asked around who is good as the ongoing lack of service is very painful.
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They advertise one price for servicing their product, but because we are not in a capital city, the price is about double. Then they tell you, that you can't have anyone else service the product or your warranty is void. Found that one of our panels is damaged, likely from the instal 4 years ago. As we had our roof replaced and the contractor had the panels removed, they would not honour warranty. Were not interested in listening to me. Fair Trading managed to get the promise of a new panel, but I will have to pay install... they will not. So... happy to take your money in the beginning, but don't follow through on customer service or warranty
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They have devalued my house by not placing the panels to the rear of my flat roof. You cannot see panels from rear of house but from street view all you see is the ugly underside of 9 panels. I’m extremely upset and emotionally it has destroyed me. I cry about it every time I drive up to the house. I’m on a disability pension so I can’t afford to move panels or remove the panels. True Value \Solar have informed me twice that they will move for a fee but roof will have holes in it. Even though the work order was to rear of roof. I’m thinking of suing. I also can’t get a smart meter as they neglected to install something that allows that installation of a smart meter. Was told it would take six months to get bit installed. That was 2014. Never heard back from them. Hence I still don’t have a smart meter.
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TVS appear to operate by a very unscrupulous business model. Sell rubbish quality equipment as quick as you can then don't answer the phone.
In 4 years we have had 4 Inverter failures taking weeks to months to resolve each time. Our last Inverter began playing up Dec 15'. I called Dec, Jan, Feb, March then two of the three panel arrays blew off the roof in May 16'. The system was turned off and it has gone back and forth with TVS, the Installers and Insurers.
Result - 18mths later I am going to Court to have the system removed.
Altogether an entirely unpleasant experience made worse by the miserable behaviour of TVS.
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Bosch Inverter died after 6 months I’ve lodged the warranty forms they emailed me back saying it would be fixed in 3-6 weeks it’s now been 10 weeks and I’ve called them three times after the six weeks passed each time they told me they would get back to me with a date and I’ve still not heard anything back from all three phone calls. 10 weeks on still frustrated and unsure if they are even going to fix it???
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Quality of system- Too early to tell. Just got system installed this week.
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Stay away from True Value Solar. There is no after service contact.
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We had to turn our system that is less than a year old off because of a safety recall for a $100 isolator. TVS refers us to the supplier of the isolator to get this issue dealt with, instead of fixing it themselves. Supplier indicates it will take months for them to replace this simple isolator. TVS customer service does not respond to complaints about this.
Now our system is going to be out of service for months because TVS does not take its responsibility.
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True Value rush to install the system and in doing so failed to site the panels in the optimum position and failed to set the inverter accordingly.

Demanded very high traveling costs to our location, and this is the only organization in the last 20 years to do so.

Service and Cleaning Costs are the highest on the market and they still want travel time costs paid.

I have been dealing with customer service since 15/11/17 to replace a damaged panel and to correct an intermittent fault with the inverter or replace it.

It is now 30/1/18 and nothing has progressed.
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Warning; Be very careful with the inverters supplied by True Value Solar as they will break down just after the warranty expires. Although, inverters should be good for 10 - 15 years, my inverter Broke down after 5 years and if you try to get some support from True Value, you will be just shown the warranty terms and conditions. No accountability what’s so ever.

Not very True Value at all. Be very careful.
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Had no reason to contact company until after second lot of panels were installed... ended up with a hole in the iron roof which leaked over time... after six plus months of phone calls to True Value Solar they eventually sent a guy out to look/ fix hole... he had no doubt the black mould leak was caused by the hole left in the roof at installation ... I am now in conflict with True Value Solar as they refuse to correct leak damage which was caused by their installers... disgusting customer service!
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I had my solar panels installed in September 2017. In December the Salzer isolator was recalled and I was advised by email from True Value Solar to switch off my panels, which I did. There was no indication of how long the replacement part would take and when I contacted IPD (the part supplier) in December I was told ëarly in the new year". Having heard nothing from either IPD nor True Value Solar I again contacted IPD on 10th January only to be told it would be 6-8 weeks, which, in effect, means I will be without my panels for 3 months. As a 78 year old pensioner I saved and did without to install air conditioning and the panels to provide the power in the hot months. During the recent heat wave I had no option but to run my air conditioner without the panel backup and hate to think what my power bill is going to be. So far there has been no contact from either company despite 1 letter and 2 emails, and absolutely no suggestion there would be any compensation. I'm absolutely disgusted and have contacted the office of Fair Trading. The reason I have answered 'not applicable 'is because I have only had 3 months use from the panels so cannot rate the performance at all.
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I purchased a solar system through True Value Solar recently & the isolator has been recalled. I have had to turn my system off until it is replaced. I have been contacted by the recall company to say I will have to wait until at least February for replacement or I can have a $100 re-reimbursement, which does not even cover the call out fee. I am now paying for electricity again, through no fault of my own. I have contacted customer care at True Value Solar re this on the 9.1.18 & have had no response. This I feel is very poor customer service.
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I’ve been ringing and leaving messages and talking to customer service people at least trying to 2 years later still no one showed up to clean my panels or surface them this is BS. Would not recommend to anyone
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