Lead generation
for solar companies
that care about quality

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make the grade?

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At the heart of everything we do is an
unrelenting commitment to helping good
Australian solar installers thrive.

about us

  • our mission

    Our mission is to promote quality solar hardware and reputable installers so that Australians can enjoy the security of low bills for decades.

  • our commitment

    We are deeply committed to ensuring that every Australian house gets quality solar panels with a reliable inverter, well installed by an installation crew that is given the time and hardware to achieve a result that will last for decades.

  • we’re selective

    We are very selective with which companies we work with.

    SolarQuotes® has been helping Australian businesses like yours to grow since 2009.

    At SolarQuotes®, we work hard to deliver better qualified, informed, high quality sales leads so your business can thrive.

There are leads…
and then there are
SolarQuotes leads

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make the grade?

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the informed customer

SolarQuotes ® Lead Generation

15 Question Quote Form

quality sales leads

authentic lead generation
is a marathon, not a sprint.

The faster you run the leads down the sales funnel, the less qualified the leads will be.

That is why, at SolarQuotes®, we have additional filtering layers that are tweaked and modified constantly to keep up with customer demands and the rapidly changing industry.

We want the qualified leads that we send your way to be educated, have total clarity and be ready to purchase.

An example of this is our off-grid warning

  • Problem

    Our clients told us that lots of people see mainstream media stories about high power prices and want to go off-grid to stick it to the power companies – until they realise that a small off-grid system starts at $20,000+ !

  • Our Solution

    When a customer selects “solar + batteries > off grid system” we show them this screen:

  • battery system alert
  • Result

    People that ask for quotes for an off-grid system through SolarQuotes® have a realistic budget. No more people running away when they see the price of a proper system.

raising the bar

  • experts

    We are experts in qualified lead generation, SEO, PPC, conversion, optimisation and everything digital, as well as solar power and batteries.

  • guarantee

    We have the friendliest lead -return policy in the industry. If you reject the lead within 7 days of getting it you don’t even get invoiced for it.

  • ethical

    Honesty and transparency are key values we operate by. We use ethical SEO practices and would never incentivise or entice sales leads. No call centres, no door knockers.

  • environment

    SolarQuotes® was started to accelerate the adoption of high quality solar power in Australia. Solar that ends up in landfill after 3-5 years is our common enemy.

  • we love solar

    We do not operate lead generation for any other class of tradie or home improvement professional. We generate content and leads for solar, batteries and EV chargers. That’s it.

will you

make the grade?

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our extensive

qualification process

  • arrive

    home page

  • Educate

    education, information and guides

  • comprehensive educational resources
  • request 3 quotes

    1. Existing home?
    2. Finance?
    3. Roof height?
    4. Roof type?
    5. Budget?
    6. New or upgrade?
    7. System size?
    8. Panel level optimisation?
    9. Electricity bill size ?
    10. Consumption monitoring?
    11. 1, 2 or 3 quotes?
    12. Home visit?
    13. Timeframe for buying?
    14. Anything else we need to know?
    15. Personal details

    15 point qualification

  • Conversion

    Only after they answer all questions and we validate their details do they become a lead.

    qualified solar leads

  • Day 1

    customer follow up


    • Customer emailed immediately.
    • Customers are informed which companies will be contacting them.
    • Can qualify the providers by reading their reviews.
    • Encouraged to ask key qualification questions.
  • Day 8

    checking in with customer on quotes

    follow up

    • A week later SolarQuotes® check they obtained quotes from each nominated company.
    • A comprehensive checklist is forwarded to the customer to assist them in evaluating the quotes.
  • Day 60

    installer review


    • 60 Days later we ask them who they went with and ask them to review their chosen installer. This gets added to our database of 30,000 installer reviews that rank highly on Google.

your questions answered

  • In what format will I receive the qualified solar sales leads?

    We can send an email or SMS. But the best way is for your server to talk to our servers directly using our API, so fresh sales leads appear in your CRM immediately. We can help you implement this system. If you want the ease of this direct and instant lead alert system, it does require a full day of IT integration. Your staff work with our staff to set this system up.

  • Does it integrate into our existing CRM systems?

    Yes – see answer above.

  • How do I know you won’t just send me poor leads followed by a big bill?

    We have a policy that enables you to reject leads within seven days of receiving them, if you genuinely believe the lead is not seriously considering solar in the next 3 months.

  • Can I pause my account so I stop receiving leads, at any time?

    Yes, you can pause your account at any time.

  • Can I nominate a cap, so I’m working within my budget ?

    Yes you can. You can nominate a daily, weekly or monthly cap. If you only want 10 leads per month, then we’ll limit the sales leads to 10 per month.

  • Can I cancel or opt out of leads at any time?

    There is no minimum sign up period and you can opt out from sales leads at any time. Otherwise, you can put your account on pause, as described above.

  • Can I specifically request qualified leads of a certain type?

    Yes, you can nominate the type of leads you are interested in and we will send you only those lead enquiries e.g. grid connect, micro inverters, hybrid, off grid etc.

  • Won’t I just be competing against the big, cheap solar companies that sell poor quality solar at rock bottom prices, when I join up with SolarQuotes®?

    You know and we know who the shonky companies in Australia are. Those companies never have and never will be SolarQuotes® clients. We believe in quality at a fair price and we vet our clients accordingly.

  • Isn’t this just a race to the bottom on prices?

    No. We provide a way for Australians to get three quotes for quality solar and then choose the system that suits them the best. We have never promoted SolarQuotes ® as a place to get the cheapest solar system. We actively encourage everyone that reads our advice to pay more for quality systems that will last for decades and avoid the junk. The Clean Energy Council and the Government both recommend that people get at least three quotes when buying solar. We simply facilitate this for people in the easiest and lowest risk way we can.

will you

make the grade?

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We are serious about only working with quality solar installation companies, and here is our minimum criteria:

  • Has an ABN and is registered for GST.
  • Has the appropriate Contracting Licence.
  • Has been operating in Australia for at least 12 months in the solar industry or if not, the owner has more than 12 months experience in the Australian solar industry.
  • Sells good reputable hardware and does good quality installs.
  • Has a minimum 5 year installation warranty.
  • Has at least one SAA Accredited Designer as a full-time employee.
  • Has satisfied customers that are happy with their solar system and provides good customer service post install.
  • Will take all leads seriously and has systems in place for accountability.
  • Rapid Response – follow up solar sales leads within one business day.
  • Provides a comprehensive quote including estimated yields and payback projections.

Our offer to you

  • Great leads
  • More sales
  • remarkable service

Will you

make the grade?

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Behind every good company….

Finn Peacock

Finn Peacock founded SolarQuotes® to ensure the Australian solar industry had a go-to resource that ensured accurate, objective, easily accessible information and realistic pricing for high quality solar.

Finn is a chartered electrical engineer with an ability to translate important technical details from industry jargon to plain English that anyone can understand. He is motivated by energy efficiency, clean energy, environmental protection and mountain bikes.

With his humour and charismatic nature, Finn is able to connect and educate people by turning the boring important bits into the fun bits.

A thought-leader and change-maker, particularly around solar power, Finn provides expert media commentary, appears as a guest speaker, and has consulted to leading government ministers on clean energy. His energy and commitment are infectious and he is genuinely committed to empowering people to reduce costs and environmental damage.

SolarQuotes® has helped more than 629,000 Australians get quotes for solar, safe in the knowledge that they are using an honest and reputable provider. Beyond this, Finn has a first-class degree in Mechatronic Engineering and professional and international industry experience. His business is based on providing the most reliable information and referring the best possible providers.

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  • `SolarQuotes® has been an excellent resource for us to purchase additional leads when we need them. The ability to control how, when and where we get the leads is of great value to us. Furthermore, the information freely provided by SolarQuotes® to prospective buyers has served as a much needed beacon in the industry. We regularly direct customers to their articles for independent verification of the answers we provide and to further explain many concepts of solar.

    We highly recommend their services.`

    • James Baverstoc | National Sales Manager at Solargain.
    • Review from SolarGain
  • `For the past 4 years I have used SolarQuotes® . I have used several lead quotation websites but all have disappointed me except for Finn Peacock and his team at SolarQuotes®. It’s the only forum I TRUST! Not only does SolarQuotes® help customers with product and service advice, they also give non-biased options about solar which in this game is rare! I strongly advise any customers out there to jump onto SolarQuotes® and have 3 quotes as they simply lead the way in sales leads in the industry.`

    • Scott Mason | Founding Director
    • Review from ASD
  • `Solaray has been working with SolarQuotes® since 2010. During that time, Finn and his team have worked tirelessly to ensure they continue to improve the quality of the leads.

    SolarQuotes® is the only lead generator in the market that goes the extra mile to qualify leads rather than just ‘collect and send’ a phone number. SolarQuotes® leads have had to fill out multiple pages of information which automatically weeds out the casual info seekers and focuses on genuine enquiries. SolarQuotes® is far and away the leading and quality lead generator in the market.`

    • Jonathan Fisk | Director, Solaray
    • Review from SolaRay
  • `Greenwiring has been in the residential and commercial solar industry in Western Australia for the last 7 years. There is no doubt that the SolarQuotes® website is the most informative and professional site for customers to access information on solar products and request 3 quotes from proven quality solar company’s with a track record of providing a quality and professional service. We have tried other providers but have found Finn’s site to be superior in all aspects.

    Most of the leads we get from SolarQuotes® are motivated customers that have done some research on the SolarQuotes® website and are familiar with the different product brands and features on offer which saves time when providing a quote.

    SolarQuotes® provides a non biased opinion on all of the quality solar products on the market today which is very important as there are a few cowboys out there who will tell you anything just to get the sale.

    We would recommend to any customer looking at installing solar to jump on the SolarQuotes® website, do a little research then give it a go.`

    • Ash Noon | Founding Director
    • Review from GreenWiring
  • `SolarQuotes® has been a great investment for Green Solar. Lots of lead generators have popped up in the Solar marketplace recently but the quality SolarQuotes® provides is black and white compared to the rest. The partnership is a win-win between SolarQuotes® and Green Solar. The wealth of knowledge contained in the SolarQuotes® website means I can send our customers there for proof of the advice we give them.`

    • Paul Thistleton | Sales Manager
    • Review from GreenSolar



we are passionate

about sending
qualified, high quality,
educated leads your way.
Give us a go and you’ll be
pleasantly surprised.

Will you

make the grade?

No contracts,

no minimum spend.
No risk for you.

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